What is this “Extenze”
Extenze is, as its manufacturer claims, a amazing natural supplement based on a herbal blend with ingredients that cause increased blood flow to the penis and thus increase the size of the penis and duration of the erection. It contains ingredients that are common in other male enhancement products, but, as the manufacturer says, it is the right proportion of the ingredients that makes all the difference and supposedly makes this product revolutionary. It is recommended to men who experience trouble getting or maintaining an erection, or who suffer from premature ejaculation. And it should also enlarge your penis.
Let's see what is in it for you.
Reviewing the ingredients
Extenze ingredients include Yohimbe, a bark extract that is a popular remedy for treatment of impotence. Next ingredient is Tribulus Terrestris, which increases levels of testosterone and is therefor a favorite in both male enhancement and body building mixtures. Oat Straw is claimed to boost the libido, while ingredients such as L-Arginine and Saw Palmetto supposedly serve to increase levels of nitric oxide in the organism and support the function of the prostate. Aphrodisiacs from South America such as Muira Puama, Catuaba and Maca are also present in Extenze.
Other ingredients with supportive functions include Nettle Leaf (diuretic), Astragalus (immune system booster), Ginseng (for vitality) and Ginkgo (for circulation).
Yohimbe has been proven to increase blood flow to the penis and thus enhance erections. Similarly, Tribulus Terrestris is known to be helpful for increase of libido, erection duration and increase testosterone levels. L-Arginine increases production of nitric oxide, needed for occurring of erection. Catuaba Bark and Muira Puama are used for stimulation of libido and have no known side effects.
Truly, we salute Extenze for its relative modesty – it does not claim to contain something unique, but, uses well-tried and tested ingredients, that are known to help with erectile dysfunction and with maintaining a healthy prostate. Trouble lays in the fact that the amount of ingredients in a doze of Extenze is a manufacturer's secret and therefor unknown. It is known that only the most potent concentrations of the highest quality herbs that are listed among the ingredients are effective. Also, Extenze does not contain a plant used in Chinese traditional medicine, Epimedium, also known as Horny Goat Weed. It is well known for its sex drive increasing properties and ideal formulas could contain this ingredient as well.
The bottom line
Advantages of Extenze are that it is based on herbal extracts and claims that it is 100% natural, and that there were no reported side effects. On the other hand, there has been no positive feedback either and there is no precise information on how long the product should be used.
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