A Jewel to be Warn Carefully
Nowadays, navel piercings are morepopular than ever. More and more women pierce their navels wanting toincrease the amount of attention their bellies get. However, the morepeople pierce their navels, the more danger they are exposed to,since this fashion item, unless treated right, can cause numerousproblems.
Namely, lack of proper hygiene, carelessness regardingtouching and moving the navel ring or whatever piece of jewelry maybe there, as well as many other factors, all contribute to theappearance of inflammations and other unwanted conditions. Of all thenegative things which can happen to those wearing a navel piercing,infection is the most common. Therefore, one needs to know how tonotice the infection as early as possible in order to react properly.
Signs of a Navel Piercing Infection
As it is the case with many otherinfections, pain and swelling are the first indicators here as well.Further on, redness and tenderness to the touch spell “infection”all around your navel. The best time to take precautions is as soonas you notice the above mentioned symptoms. If left unattended, theinfected piercing will start to expel pus, first in transparentliquid form, getting more and more yellow or even green in time. Iftaking action is prolonged even at this stage, an abscess is formedwhich can spread the infection into the internal organs andeventually cost one even his or her life.
How to Treat an Infected NavelPiercing?
The best choice in all situationsinvolving piercing infections is to seek medical attention. However,you may also try to clean the troublesome spot with alcohol in orderto disinfect it. Once you have cleaned the piercing spot, if it doesnot produce pus, you may remove the piece of jewelry as well.However, if the pus is present, it is best to leave the ring on since it will ensure a safe opening for the pus to get expelled,reducing chances of abscess formation.
If the abscess does get formed, asurgical intervention and removal may be necessary. Additionally, ifthere is no need for a surgery, you may treat the abscess withprescribed antibiotics. You may also use antiseptics and similarproducts in order to keep the piercing spot clean.
In case you have an infection, but pusis not getting expelled from the wound, take a compress and put it ina mixture of salt and hot water. After disinfecting the compress thisway, place it over the piercing spot while still hot. This way, youwill ensure proper circulation, triggering the cleansing of yourorganism. Additionally, you may use hydrogen peroxide for drainingthe pus from the wound. However, get introduced with the proper usageof this substance beforehand.
All in all, if you keep your piercingclean and disinfected, following all the steps you were told to, youwill never have problems with infections of this type.
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