There are a large number of people who suffer from nausea or dizziness caused by working out and exercises. This medical problem is commonly triggered by instances of over exertion such as running too fast or running too far. Some cases of moderate exercising may also be associated with nausea. In some rare cases, these occurrences may require professional medical attention, but they can usually be resolved quite easily. One of the most important contributing factors to the occurrence of this medical problem is low levels of sugar in the blood. Most people tend to work out in the morning, usually before breakfast, when the body does not have any fuel left. Weakness and nausea are direct results of such badly planned exercise regime. One should have a light breakfast which includes some complex carbohydrates and lean proteins mixed in with some healthy fat. Light snacks and sports bars may also come in very handy in such situations.
Healthy Tips
It is very important to stay properly hydrated at all times. This means that a person should ingest plenty of water and sports drinks before, after and during the exercising. It is important to stress out that both nausea and dizziness are among the most common symptoms of dehydration. Sudden drops in blood pressure may trigger a so called head rush, as well. The medical term for such a medical condition is orthostatic hypotension. It can be triggered by blood pressure fluctuations, certain types of medicaments and numerous other types of harmful factors. There are also certain problems which can be attributed to the medical condition which is known as the motion sickness. It is characterized by letting the gaze drift as the person is moving. All this causes a much disoriented feeling which causes a lot of discomfort, and, once again, both dizziness and nausea. Certain types of exercises which are designed for the Flexing of abdominal muscles may also cause a lot of discomfort manifested as nausea and dizziness, especially if they are not done properly. One needs to find the proper C-curve in order to expand and lengthen the body and pull in the abs properly. All types of exercises need to include proper breathing techniques. Some people tend to overwork the breath during their exercise regimes, which is not a good thing to do. Exercise instructor can be of great help when it comes to exercising properly and avoiding the symptoms of dizziness and nausea.
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