Information on Severe Dizziness
Most people experience the severe dizziness at some point intheir lives. Severe dizziness is a feeling of discomfort and helplessness. Dizzinessmay be triggered when a person gets up too fast from a sitting position.
Causes of Severe Dizziness
One of the most common causes of severe dizziness isvertigo. It is a medical condition characterized by a dysfunctional balancingorgan in the ear. High or low blood pressure may also be associated withoccurrence of severe dizziness because the brain may not be getting adequateamounts of blood and oxygen.
Severe cases of dizziness may also be caused bymalnourishment, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. All these medical conditionsinvolve the loss of numerous different types of important nutrients from thehuman body. The dizziness occurs because the blood and oxygen flow get reducedsignificantly.
People who suffer from various different types of circulatoryand heart problems quite often have problems with dizziness. Severe instancesof dizziness may be associated with heart attacks, peripheral artery disease,coronary artery disease and strokes. Nausea accompanies severe dizziness quiteoften.
Nausea can be characterized by heaving and vomiting and it is usuallyassociated with some other underlying ailment present in the human body. Nauseamay be affiliated with digestion problems, consumption of sugar, irritablebowel syndrome, cancer, food poisoning, heart problems, gastroenteritis, kidneyproblems, diabetes, liver disorders and vertigo. Other cause of severedizziness may or may not include anemia, Meniere’s disease, hypoglycemia,labyrinthitis, cerebral hemorrhage, diabetes and numerous different types ofear conditions. Severe dizziness may also be associated with certain types ofheadaches.
Headaches are quite often interrelated with severe instances ofdizziness. Dizziness may be a part of a migraine attack and it is usuallyrelated to Hemiplegic and Basilar types of migraine.
Dizziness may also beaffiliated with certain medical conditions such as neck trauma,temporomandibular joint syndrome, head injury, heat exhaustion and stroke. Itmay also be triggered as a side effect of numerous different types ofmedications such as nitrates and antihypertensive drugs. Exposure to certainsubstances such as toluene and carbon monoxide may also lead to severeinstances of dizziness.
Severe dizziness may also be associated with pregnancybecause of the increased levels of hormones. Changes in the levels of sugar inthe blood and lying on the back can also cause dizziness in pregnant women.
Anemiaand hyperventilation may also be associated with severe dizziness. Dizzinessmay be prevented by proper nutrition, proper hydration, reduction of stress andcertain types of medications such as benzodiazepines.
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