Important facts regarding edema
Edema is a medical issue that can be a symptom of a number of conditions, which is why it is important to determine what caused it in order to begin with the treatment of an underlying condition, if necessary. It does not necessarily mean that the condition will be serious, because in the majority of cases, high blood pressure, sitting or standing for too long, salty food, and pregnancy are the main culprits. However, the fact is that congestive heart failure, kidney failure, cirrhosis, and problems with lymphatic system might also be the causes, which is why the problem should not be disregarded. It usually affects hands, arms, legs, feet and ankles, although practically any part of the body can be affected. Even though an ordinary person will rarely associate shortness of breath, pain in the chest and problems with breathing with edema, the fact is that these symptoms indicate edema in the lungs, which can even be life threatening. In such cases, medical attention is absolutely necessary, and waiting for the symptoms to withdraw should not be an option.
Edema can be diagnosed based on the results of urine and blood tests, based on the results of the chest X-ray, and based on the pressure in certain blood vessels.
Natural diuretics for edema
Diuretics have the purpose to reduce the swelling, and generally, the majority of people use them in the form of medications. However, there are some natural diuretics that also stimulate urine flow, which results in getting rid of the fluid that has accumulated in the body tissue. These natural diuretics can provide the same results as medicines, yet with no side effects if used properly. This means that they should not be used in the dosage that exceeds the recommended, because even though people will lose excess water, some vitamins and minerals that are important for proper functioning of the body will be lost as well.
Certain fruits, vegetables and herbs are known for their ability to prevent water retention in the body, which is why those people who have problems with edema should include them in their diet, or increase their intake. Among them are grapes, watermelon, cucumber, onions, artichoke, tomatoes, and parsley, as well as herbs such as dandelion, linden, hawthorn, alfalfa and fennel. Apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice can also be used as a natural diuretic.
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