However, regardless of its symptoms and consequences, the occurrence of morning sickness is not necessarily tied to the part of the day that’s in its name. On the contrary, the feelings of nausea and vomiting can be experienced at any time of the day or not. And, this does not have to be an occasional occurrence, as someone can spend the entire first trimester experiencing the symptoms of the so-called morning sickness in the middle of the night.
What can cause the morning sickness to happen at night?
One of the possible reasons for experiencing morning sickness at night is of hormonal nature. That is to say that the production of the hormone estrogen can have a rather unpleasant effect on the mother-to-be, in the sense that it will increase the symptoms of morning sickness and cause them to take place during the night.
Another possible hormone that can cause morning sickness to happen at night is human Chorionic gonadotropin. There have been no particularly ground-breaking discoveries on the matter, but there are some clues that suggest that when the levels of the hormone in question rise, the occurrence of morning sickness in the middle of the night becomes more frequent.
Problems with the digestive system are also one of the potential causes of the activity in question. The particular problem that’s associated with it is the so-called gastrointestinal tract sensitivity. This is usually due to the consumption of hot, spicy food.
How to try to stop the symptoms of morning sickness at night?
One of the little tricks that have proven to be successful in getting rid of the morning sickness at night several times in the past is as simple as eating a sandwich, drinking a glass of milk or having some cereal.
Another thing that might work is opening the windows in order to clear the air and thereby improve the sleeping conditions, making it unlikely for the nocturnal morning sickness to manifest itself.
Finally, avoiding processed as well as spicy food, and introducing many fluids into the diet, like water, fresh juices and herbal teas, will help relieve the symptoms of nausea in general and make it unlikely for the morning sickness to occur at night.
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