About miscarriage
Miscarriage is one of the common complications that can occur in early pregnancy. According to studies, between 15 and 20 pregnancies end in miscarriage. From that number, approximately 80 percent occur before the twelfth week from the last menstrual period. this number, however, does not include the miscarriages that occurred before the pregnancy was confirmed, which means the number is actually higher.
After the fertilization of the egg takes place, the egg divides and becomes a blastocyst, resembling a ball of cells. It implants itself in the uterus wall and this process lasts from ten to fifteen days. A woman can be considered pregnant only after the implantation takes place. Sometimes, due to various causes, the blastocyst does not survive and the pregnancy ends in miscarriage. The causes for miscarriage are various and include problems with fetus chromosomes, hormonal problems, age, stress, trauma, the inability of the embryo to get implanted, exposure to certain substances and several more.
Early miscarriage signs
Sometimes the miscarriage occurs when the woman is not even aware of being pregnant. This is called chemical miscarriage and it resembles the late period. The symptoms are the same as in a period, including bleeding, which may be heavy, and stomach cramping. The menstrual flow may also include clots or lumps.
The miscarriage, of course, can occur after the pregnancy has been confirmed. The signs and symptoms may include bleeding, spotting, cramps and pain. Another sign of miscarriage is if the symptoms of pregnancy stop, meaning there is no more morning sickness, breast tenderness and such. There may be brownish or pinkish discharge, lower back pain and significant weight loss.
The problem with spotting and bleeding in pregnancy is that they may not necessarily be a sign of pregnancy, as they can occur, for example, because of the sexual intercourse. Heavy bleeding, however, especially if accompanied by abdominal pain, is almost always a sign of miscarriage.
Miscarriage between the sixth and the twelfth week may not include severe symptoms and the pain is usually mild to moderate. If it occurs between the twelfth and the twentieth week, the signs will be more pronounced and more severe, resembling the labor.
Miscarriage symptoms with intense pain and dizziness may also indicate ectopic pregnancy, which can be very dangerous and even fatal.
It is important to realize that light bleeding or spotting are not necessarily indicative of miscarriage and that they can be normal, so there is no need to stress about it. Still, it is always recommended to see a doctor if even the mildest symptoms appear, because sometimes the miscarriage can be caught on time and even prevented.
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