The fact of experiencing miscarriage after being extremely happy because of the conceived pregnancy can greatly affect every woman. It has been observed that nearly every miscarriage happens within the first trimester of pregnancy.
There are three types of miscarriage, which is defined as a natural ending of pregnancy, and they are chemical pregnancy, missed miscarriage and blighted ovum. Chemical pregnancy is when the fertilized egg does not reach the uterus lining to implant itself and this type of miscarriage is the most frequent one, producing hardly any symptom. In missed miscarriage, the baby does not develop beyond a specific stage. Furthermore, in the blighted ovum, there is the gestational sac in the woman but without the baby.
Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy
In most cases, anomalies in the baby’s chromosomes are responsible for the incidence of miscarriage in the early pregnancy. These abnormalities are either caused by some defect of the fertilized egg, or the defect of the sperm cells. However, it is also considered that improper implantation, as well as the age of the woman may also lead to the miscarriage within first three months of pregnancy.
A normal pregnancy can be interrupted when a pregnant women develops some health problem that affects the baby and disables her to carry out the pregnancy. Moreover, women suffering from lupus, diabetes or some kidney disease are at high risk to experience miscarriage in the early pregnancy. Hormonal imbalance, an injury that affects the fetus, and bad habits like smoking, drinking and consuming illegal drugs are also some of the possible factors that may induce miscarriage in early pregnancy.
Symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy
Miscarriage in the early pregnancy can be easily recognized by vaginal bleeding, sharp pain in the pelvis and back, and problematic breathing. Painful contractions, pinkish mucus discharge and loss of early pregnancy symptoms may also indicate the miscarriage. Those women experiencing miscarriage may notice tissues and blood clots in their vaginal discharge.Treatment of miscarriage in early pregnancy
Miscarriage that appears in the very beginning of the pregnancy does not need any treatment since the fetal tissue will be ejected by the body itself. However, if the pregnancy is advanced, the procedure dilation and curettage is necessary to be done by the specialized doctors in order to remove all the fatal tissue from the body and prevent any possible development of some infection. The women who experience miscarriage usually take it very difficult so some emotional treatment or therapy is also recommended.
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