A few words about gastritis
Gastritis is the medical term for the condition that could be described as rather ardent discomfort in the stomach. It is, actually, the inflammatory process of the inner mucous membrane of the stomach. It affects a lot of people nowadays and worldwide, since it is mostly caused by the bad eating habits, whether there is the improper act of eating, or there is the intake of the harmful foods. This disorder of the digestive system can be either, of the sudden onset (which lasts a short time), or it can be the permanent condition.

About the milder form of gastritis
However, when we talk about the treatment, the key to the successful recovery process lies in the early detected problem, that is, when the condition is not advanced yet. It doesn’t matter if the condition is of the permanent or the acute character, as long as it is treated right away after being noticed. That is because although this disorder is not a life-threatening, it will grow into some more severe condition, such as, for example, the formation of the ulcer on the same membrane, if left untreated.
In order to spot the problem at the very beginning of the development, it is necessary to get to know the most prominent indicators of it. And they are the urge for throwing up and the lack of the need to eat. Having that in mind, one could tell that the signs are very general, but, fortunately, the ardent pain described above directly appoints to this health problem. Nevertheless, in some cases, the accompanying signs of the disease are the bland stool, bloating or the attacks of hiccuping.
It is also essentially important to know the provokers of gastritis, in order to stay away from them in the future at any cost. So, most frequently, the triggers of this discomfort are the cigarette smoke, certain medications which are hardly digested, alcohol and the similar harmful substances that cause the irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Also, the membrane could be irritated when there is some other underlying condition involved, such as, for example, the infectious processes triggered by the entrance of some virus, if the bile comes up to stomach from the intestines from some reason, or if someone had some injury in the past that could affect the stomach. In addition, the bad habits of not chewing the food enough times and of overeating are very likely to cause at least the milder form of gastritis.
Anyway, in the very first stages of this kind of the inflammation, the problem is usually treated with the proton pump, antibiotics and antacid drugs. Of course, one should stay away from the mentioned harmful stuff and the situations which can lead to possible emotional stress.
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/gastritis
- Photo courtesy of SteadyHealth
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