Gastritis is very common problem nowadays. The trouble is that it is very generally accepted name for a variety of irritations and inflammations of the part of stomach called mucosa (a mucous layer). The ulcer of the gastritic area and gastritis are both caused by such inflammations and therefore have a lot of similar symptoms. But, the good thing is that the same remedies are used to treat the two conditions.
Because it has become one of the leading health problems nowadays, there is, naturally, a noticeable effort to popularize the holistic approach in healing this condition, such as introducing healthy foods and changing the wrong lifestyle.
This disorder is usually caused by an intake of the irritant substances, such as alcohol, coffee, the smoke of cigarettes or anything toxic that could be consumed unintentionally. Even Aspirin is enough irritant to the mucous layer of the stomach, especially if someone has an allergic reaction to it or to some different medications. This is the case of all the medications that resemble Aspirin. Of course, drugs are neither favourable.
The causes of the physical nature are some serious burns or other injuries in that area, or if there was any major surgical procedure previously.As far as the treatment and the rehabilitation process are concerned, one should have in mind that the damaged mucosa must be repaired firstly, and then, during the whole life, in the future, must continue to consume the appropriate foods and drinks.
First of all, it is essentially important to emphasize that the vitamin C is beneficial for those who suffer from gastritis because it encourages smaller production of the unfavourable free radicals. Other relievers are beta-carotene, but its influence on the gastritic problems has not yet been fully investigated.
The substances that could be beneficial are certain amino acids, but at the same time, their effect is not totally supported by evidences. In fact, there was a research which had shown that the intake of 800 mg’s daily had helped in the healing process. They also encourage the blood flow to the affected area. If the amino acid glutamine is introduced in the diet, it prevents the ulcers in the stomach to create.
However, the peptic ulcers are commonly treated with zinc and vitamin A, but only their somewhat beneficial effect is proven, and is not supported with the scientific evidences but Gastritis can be cured.
Also, chamomile and the goldenseal herb should be introduced into the dieting program.
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