What is gastritis?
It starts from the stomach which processes food: strong muscle movements chopping up foods and mixes with gastric juices consisting of various enzymes and gastric acid. One of these acids is hydrochloric acid which is so strong it can dissolve iron spike. Stomach wall is protected from its effects by mucous membrane which incases it. Gastritis occurs when this barrier is damaged causing inflammation of the gastric tissue.Almost every person in life has some problems with the stomach. The most stomach problems are short term and go without serious consequences not requiring medical attention. If the gastritis symptoms last longer than a week consultation with a specialist is necessary. The situation is especially dangerous if the patient vomits or has blood in the stool.
Causes for the gastritis development mainly lie in the inadequate diet, fast food, avoiding cooked foods, overly meals, consuming large amounts of alcohol, using NSAID drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen...), Helicobacter pylori and other bacteria infections, stress, anxiety, smoking, toxins... Gastritis is not a specific disease it includes several different problems that result from non specific inflammation of the stomach.Symptoms
Symptoms of gastritis include burning sensation in the upper abdomen (pain may decrease or increase after the food entering), nausea, loss of appetite, often belching and gas, a sense of inflated after meals.There are acute and chronic gastritis. Acute gastritis occurs suddenly and it is accompanied by nausea and burning in the stomach at the same time, while chronic gastritis develops gradually over a longer time and it is characterized by a dull pain a flatulence and loss of appetite after the first few bites of food.
Gastritis left untreated can contribute to the emergence of stomach ulcer and increasing risk of cancer so therefore need to be taken all that is necessary for repairing this health disorder.Treatment
It begins by introducing measures such as stopping to smoke and changing dietary habits. The drugs that are introduced are antacids. Often, just taking antacids is enough to stop the disease. However, in the case of persistent gastritis or its progress to peptic ulcer then in the treatment introduces H2-antagonists and proton pump blockers.
General food rules for people suffering from gastritis include:Nutrition must be diverse containing all nutrients necessary for normal functioning of the stomach. The menu must contain natural products: milk, kefir or sour milk, young cheese, eggs, vegetables, fruits and natural juices. The total food intake, together with fluid, should not exceed three pounds. Every day should drink about liter or liter and a half of liquids, including tea, coffee, milk, compote, soup and juices. Food should be taken four to five times a day, the best always at the same time. Taking care not to eat either too hot or too cold. Foods should be prepared on the steam and eat in the chipped or mashed form. Raw vegetables, which mechanically irritate stomach lining, should be removed from diet.
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