Basically, any kind of condition regarding one’s teeth orgums can be the cause of the bitter taste, so it is important to be on thelookout for any changes in this region.
If one is suffering from acid reflux disease, they are boundto be experiencing bitter taste in their mouth whenever eating, since that iswhen the stomach juices and acids leak into the throat and then into the mouth.
The main cause of this disease is overeating, an unbalanced diet, for exampleeating too much of spicy or fatty foods, as well as eating at wrong timings.Other symptoms of this disease include heartburn, bad breath, headaches, gas,bloating, sore throat, and nausea.
Certain medications and drugs, especially anti-depressantscan also be the cause of bitter taste. Some prenatal vitamins can also have thesame effect, as well as some of the regular antibiotics in certain cases.
Affects only women and only during pregnancies or periods,and the bitter taste is then caused by the switches between estrogen levels ina woman’s body.
Different kinds of metal poisoning can also be the cause ofthe bitter taste, although it is then usually joined by a sort of metallictaste too.
Different serious diseases such as cancer, liver malfunctionor diabetes can have bitter taste as one of their accompanying effects.
Thanks to poor oral hygiene, bacteria and germs mayaccumulate, thus causing the bitter taste.
Ways to get rid of the bitter taste
The easiest way to get rid of the bitter taste is to findand decide what is causing it and then act accordingly. Several ways to do itwould include flawless dental hygiene, realized by brushing the teeth at leasttwice a day and flossing regularly.
Furthermore, brushing with baking soda andsalt can be beneficiary in various ways, both with the taste and with theplaque and germs that accumulate on one’s teeth. Eating citrus fruits anddrinking their juices as well as chewing on cinnamon and cloves would also beof great help.
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