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Overall facts

Given the nature of this substance, it is recommended that prior to administering it, especially in the cases of the children, you should get all the information possible on melatonin’s possible negative effects. Melatonin itself is a hormone that our body produces regularly, but it can also be acquired in the form of various medications that are employed as aiders in battling numerous sleep related conditions and disorders. As an active part of the person’s body, this hormone aids in promoting sleep. As a matter of fact, it can be viewed as a sort of an internal clock responsible for maintaining and balancing the sleep patterns, or more precisely, the signals that are sent by our brain in those hours when a person should indulge in sleep. In case a person is suffering from a melatonin deficiency, this will consequently lead to the occurrence of numerous sleep related disorders. In order to battle it off, doctors tend to prescribe a person in question various melatonin-based supplements that have the ability to set things back to normal. Also, the melatonin-based supplements are in many cases considered to be a much safer and effective option than, for example, sleeping pills. When it comes to children, presence of such conditions as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autism can initiate the occurrence of various sleep related disorders.

Children and side effects

It is already known that the greatest majority of hormone-based supplements, as well as various drugs that are responsible for the disruption of the hormonal balance, do have the potential to cause numerous negative effects that can be either short or long in duration. The same goes for melatonin based supplements and medicines. But one extremely important thing is that, when it comes to children, in most cases no long-term side effects have been noticed. The most prominent side effect of melatonin is considered to be extreme sleepiness, and this can occur only if melatonin has been taken in improper (excessive) amounts. Among other side effects in children, the following need to be mentioned:

Pain in the abdomenDizzinessHeadachesDepressionStomach upsetFatigueIrritabilityBed wettingMood swingsOccurrence of seizures

Vital is that the greatest majority of the above mentioned side manifestations of melatonin tend to disappear on their own once there is no need for a child to take melatonin anymore. But since the list is quite a lengthy one, safety issues have been brought to public’s attention. Therefore, the best step is to consult your doctor first, and only after he/she has informed you and given you the needed instructions, you should employ melatonin.

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