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Using a treadmill has become a normal and common thing today. Whether at home or in a gym, treadmill and other cardio machines (stationary bike and elliptical trainer) became inevitable for those who are in a need of weight reduction process. So, what can be done with a treadmill, what is its advantage?

The machine

Treadmill is an exercise device which offers walking and running, and it is as simple as that. The thing is that the mentioned two activities are of great importance for all those who want to reduce weight. But the advantage of this instrument is related to the fact that the pace of the machine can be changed, making a practitioner run or walk faster. To maximize your workouts with a home treadmill, people need more and that more is offered with the change of the incline of treadmill. It has to be admitted that running or walking up hill is much harder, even at the lowest pace. This is something that will make this exercise on a treadmill one of the most demanding physical activities.

Using a treadmill can be done in several ways. The entire session can be nothing but treadmill, with combining walking and running all the time. This combination is much more effective than simple running or walking and it will also activate basal metabolism and fat burning process. Changing the pace of the training session is a very smart thing to do, since this will put the muscles in a different situation where the strength has to be used in variousforms.

Treadmill offers walking and running and those two are excellent choices when it comes to cardio workout. Those who choose it are those who need to reduce the weight as fast as possible, because obesity threatens with some medical problem. Cardio is exercising with using only really low level of strength and that is something that prolongs the exercising itself. Cardio should be done for a long time, at least 30 to 45 minutes, because that is some optimal time needed to start the fat burningprocess.

The money

When purchasing the treadmill, if a person wants to exercise at home, there are some things that should be known. Always buy a machine with a strong and powerful engine, because that is one of the things that determine how long the machine will work without any problems. Also, warranty has to be checked each and every time because this is where numerous problems might emerge if a person is not careful.

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