Macrobiotic Diet
Many people desperate of failing in regular diets turn themselves to macrobiotic diet. Macrobiotic diet was derived from Japan and macrobiotic diet menu includes mainly small amounts of fish, vegetables, grains and cereals. This diet is very good for your mental and spiritual health, as well as for physical health. Nowadays, more and more people are using macrobiotic diet, since it has showed great results over the years. This diet is becoming more popular among people all around the world.
Macrobiotic Diet Food List
There is a list of foods you can take if you are following macrobiotic diet food program. Fruits like melons, grapes, berries, pears, peaches and apples can be consumed several times a week. You should avoid eating poultry and meat, but you are to eat seafood and fish in small amounts. You can eat tofu, soybeans and other soybean products, but hey should be up to 10% of the food you take in daily. Macrobiotic diet also includes soups made of macrobiotic ingredients such as shoyu and miso. You can boil, bake, steam your vegetables, or you can eat them raw. Make sure that your each meal consists of up to 30% ofvegetables.
What makes this diet so powerful is the carbohydrates you intake. Your each meal should contain whole grains like corn, rye, miller, barley, wheat or brown rice. An important thing in preparing the food is the way you are going to cook. Your food should be steamed, boiled, or pressure cooked, and you should definitely avoid pan frying, roasting and deep frying. Drinking kukicha twig tea or macrobiotic tea is allowed in macrobiotic diet, while drinks with caffeine or artificial sweeteners are forbidden, and you shouldn`t drink alcohol either.
It is very important how you consume the food and you need to find a balance. In Chinese philosophy there are symbols called yin and yang and they symbolize the two opposing forces that are functioning perfectly together. Yin is calm, cool, tranquil, dark and it is the female force, while on the other side, yang is energetic, warm, alert, active and it is the male force. When they are combined together, they make a perfect balance. You should do that, too, meaning that you should find your balance in taking food. Find the balance of sour, bitter, savory and sweet flavor. Another very important thing in macrobiotic diet is adjusting the food to the time of the year. In winter, you should eat heavier foods with strong flavors, while in the spring, for example, you should take fresh and lightfood.
People who are taking macrobiotic diets, don`t have to worry about the fruits and vegetables they can`t find in their own country. You can eat the food that your country produces and that is one of many advantages of macrobiotic diet. Many people have made wonderful successes with it. However, lactating mothers, pregnant women, adolescents, and children are not advised to use macrobiotic diet. After you start using macrobiotic diet you will feelmuch happier and healthier.
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