However, if your pains are of a stabbing nature, and are accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, spotting or heavier bleeding, and chills, they are not so benign, and seeing your doctor is advised. Heavy cramping in combination with bleeding can be the start of a miscarriage, and heavy and stabbing pain could indicate an ectopic pregnancy, where a fertilized egg implanted itself into the fallopian tubes. On the whole, miscarriage is not something that can often be prevented, but in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, medical care is of crucial importance because the tube is put at risk of rupture. Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy can include shoulder pain, bleeding, dizziness, fever and faintness, besides abdominal pain. If you are worried that you suffer from an ectopic pregnancy, immediate medical help is required. If you are worried that your lower abdominal pain is the result of a threatened miscarriage, the symptoms to watch out for include bleeding that increases in volume, and heavy, contraction-like cramps.
Some women also have back pain as their miscarriage is starting. While it is important to know that there are serious conditions in pregnancy that can lead to lower abdominal pain, let me stress how common abdominal cramping in pregnancy is, and that the overwhelming majority of pregnant women who noticed this symptom at some point in pregnancy had absolutely no reason to be worried!
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