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To be able to get the so called perfect body is almost impossible. The dimensions that TV and the women’s magazines portray we should all have is extremely frustrating to say the least. Still as impossible and as unreachable as it all seems, we still try our hardest to get there. One common issue that we have is thick legs. We want perfect legs and luckily it is not too difficult to accomplish. There are many easy leg exercises that we can do, even in the comfort of our own home as you do not necessarily need machines to work the legs.

Typical Exercise for our Legs

An easy exercise to try is called calve raises. You can do this by standing up straight, looking forward and now start to slowly lift your heels off the floor and then lowering them down again. Repeat this twenty five times, in sets of four each day. This exercise is sure to help with the muscles in your calves. Another form of exercise for your legs is of course running. It is helping with the unwanted fat on your legs and is also great for your aerobic exercise because it will make your heart go faster, so you are actually hitting two birds with one stone. Many people will recommend cycling for the fitness of your legs, however if you want to target the legs particularly then stand up on the bike whilst cycling. There are many gyms now that do a class called spinning which is an hour of bikes that are stationary and this class will really give you all round benefits and really help those legs of yours.

Other Types of Exercises for the Legs

If you want to opt for something a little more fun then try rollerblading. It is sociable, fun and adventurous. You can do this exercise outside on the paths and in some other places. There are roller links although they were much more popular in the seventies. Obviously, any type of walking is good for your legs however this type of exercise will give you the slowest results as you’re not particularly pushing yourself, unless you’re going uphill the whole way.

Additional Things to Consider

Any type of exercise will help you lose the unwanted fat but you must remember that it goes part in parcel with a decent diet and consumption of water. Important to remember is that being consistent is the way forward.

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