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This text will talk about the possibility of leading a life without stress. Saying that stress can be entirely eliminated from somebody’s life is surely impossible, but there are ways in which the stress can be reduced and eliminated. The stress cannot be avoided during the course of life, but you can reduce the time exposed to stress and its negative effects so that it becomes less relevant.


Changes are a great source of stress and it does not really make much difference whether they are good or bad. Basically, more stress will be caused by a great change in life, like contract termination, promotion, divorce or marriage. Parenting, financial worries and heavy workloads can also lead to stress. The release of the stress hormone is done even when the body tenses up in situations in which we are afraid, anxious or worried. Medical problems can be caused by these hormones if they are released for a greater period of time, although it is beneficial for shorter period of time. If you have been suffering from stress for a longer period of time, you will experience weight gain, upset stomach, insomnia, back pain and fatigue. There are some psychological and emotional problems, such as depression and anxiety, which can be caused by stress.

Avoiding Stress

Loss of control is a feeling that most of us experience during one point of life, but this problem can be overcame and there are two possible ways for this to be done. There will always be things you cannot control so try not to worry about them, such as people's choices or the weather, for example. Still, you have the power over yourself and it is time to take it. You have to keep it together once the surprises start to drop and you have to make yourself prepared for such situations. Enemy and other procrastinations need to be treated and by doing this along with the wise time management, the stress can be avoided. Try to cope with your problems and issues as soon as they emerge, and this will reduce the list of chores and responsibilities and even give you some extra free time to spend. You will relax more if you do what you need to do right away. Saying no is another great way of avoiding stress, since nobody can do everything in the same time. Do as much chores as you can at a time. The time management is one of the most important parts of the life without stress.

Coping with Stress

But if the stress appears, you can write about it, talk about it, medicate or exercises. These steps will reduce the stress experienced. You can relax more with the help of medications, physical stress will be reduced with the help of exercises, while tension can be reduced if you write or talk about your problems with somebody.

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