Brown spots and freckles that come with age usually cause embarrassment. Laser surgery can eliminate smaller spots and legions on the face and neck area and it does not cause redness and bruising usually associated with other types of laser surgery.
The light beam treats vascular and pigmented lesions with no traumatic experiences, so it is effective and safe and its results are immediate. Laser treatment dates back to the 1960s and it has been predominantly used in plastic surgery and dermatology. The light from the laser beam gets absorbed by the red blood cells carrying melanin and oxygen, and it destroys the unwanted cells, leaving just the healthy cells in the body and surface of the dermis does not break during the procedure. Vascular legions form when too many blood vessels appear in the epidermal layers of the skin, while the pigmented legions are the product of melanin having too many melanocytes, thus resulting in freckles and brown spots.
Laser surgeries are very individual due to the differences and characteristics of each patient. Anesthesia is not required for the procedure, and some patients may feel just a slight tingling sensation. In some cases, the area that was exposed to the light beam may get swollen for to two days. No postoperative care requirements are needed and the patient usually sees a significant improvement after two to three weeks. The procedure lasts a couple of minutes and depending on the depth of pigmentation, sometimes multiple sessions are required.
Lentigines are caused by too much sun exposure, keratoses are elevated and are usually found on the backs of the hands, freckles are usually found on people with fairer skin and dermatosis papulosis nigra is usually associated with Asian and African people. All of them can be treated successfully with laser surgery. Lentigines are the most persistent and the most common ones. All types of spots must be diagnosed in order to determine whether they are malignant or not. Sometimes sun protection and anti aging and skin fading creams may fade the brown spots naturally over the course of time.
Other options for the removal of these brown spots are available as well. A deep tissue chemical peel is one of them and it burns off the first few layers of epidermis and removes the brown spots as long as they are not in the dermal layers of the skin. The peels must be repeated since they are not a permanent solution to the problem.
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