Underlying Causes of Skin Pigmentation Problems
As already mentioned the color of skin lesions may change in such a way that it becomes lighter or darker comparing to the rest of the skin. Furthermore, some skin changes are even of other colors like red, blue or even black.
One example of hyperpigmentation is melasma. This skin disorder is in a form of brown patches and may be associated with intake of some drugs including birth control pills, hormonal imbalances, menopause and excessive sun exposure. Furthermore, many precancerous lesion (e.g. lentigines) as well as skin cancers (e.g. melanoma) are dark colored skin changes.
On the other hand, lack of pigmentation is reported in vitiligo and the complete absence of skin pigment is a characteristic of albinism, a genetic condition characterized by inappropriate production of melanin in the skin and all mucous membranes.
Moreover, a variety of skin condition may cause hyper or hypopigmentation. The similar effects are reported in case of skin scars that are either brighter or darker comparing to the rest of the skin.
Finally, bluish skin discoloration is reported if there is lack of oxygen in the body (cyanosis), purple patches may be a sign of bruises while res lesions usually point to the presence of some inflammatory skin conditions.
Skin Pigmentation Problems Cures
Some pigmentation problems may be efficiently prevented. This refers to lentigines, which are generally associated with excessive sun exposure. The same refers to certain skin cancers. The most suitable thing one can do it sot stay away from the sun or at least apply sunscreens regularly.
Further more, condition that cause pigmentation problem associated with intake of some drugs soon withdraw once, the drug in question is discontinues.
Skin conditions as well as systemic disorders that lead to pigmented skin changes may be eliminated once the primary condition is bought under control This is, unfortunately not always possible and skin changes remain for ever.
Finally, a variety of home remedies as well as medical procedure may help a person to get rid of certain pigmented skin changes. Great results are achieved with chemical peels, laser therapy, phototherapy etc. If all else fails, one may camouflage pigmented changes with certain cosmetic products and make them have similar skin tome with the rest of the skin.
- medlineplus.gov/skinpigmentationdisorders.html
- medlineplus.gov/ency/article/004014.htm
- Photo courtesy of Quinn Dombrowski by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/quinnanya/2535536849/
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