What can be done about obesity? Will exercises and the dieting really work or are there some other options? What is the ultimate solution? These questions are not easily answered. The best thing for dealing with obesity would be to do it healthy and naturally, as much as possible. This would include a serious and detailed working out schedule combined with a diet made by a nutritionist, a diet that should be appropriate to patient's physical state. And of course, regular medical control of the entire organism and the weight reduction progress would be needed. This is an example of serious dealing with weight problem, and if all the mentioned elements are present, weight will be lost.
Real problem
But the real problem occurs when a person is really trying with the things mentioned above and results are not showing. This might happen if there are some underlying conditions that are messing with the weight loss process and the basal metabolism. Also, sometimes the obesity is so extreme that exercises and dieting are a just and additional method. The main thing to do here is surgery. Lap band surgery has been used a lot for dealing with this kind of problem lately.
Real surgery
What are lap band surgery requirements and who can actually apply for this procedure? Well, it has to be said that this is a surgery and it carries certain dangers with it. This means that if there is no actual need, people with extra weight should stick to the standard methods. But if those are not helping, lap band surgery may be applied if next requirements are met. BMI has to be higher than 40, minimum of extra weight should be at about 100 pounds and the age group is between 18 and 60. These are the basic requirements, and what is also needed is dedication to go through the surgery, post op period and later on, a constant control of the stomach must be applied. For some people, those things that come after the surgery present a bigger problem than the surgery itself. And also, there is a matter of price. The lap band surgery costs about 30 000 US dollars, which is not a small amount. This means that people who managed to get that money for this procedure are serious about changing their lives completely.
The main thing that is achieved with the surgery is a smaller stomach, the one that does not allow eating too much food, the volume is simply smaller and the feeling of fullness comes after eating small amounts of food.
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