For All Who Enjoy Green Tea
Healthy value of green tea has been proven countless timesand many people who have healthy diets are sure to incorporate this beverageinto it. However, almost every herbal tea is considered to have one flaw andthat is caffeine. Namely, this substance is unwanted by many, because of its psychoactivecharacteristics. Therefore, a question has been asked in need to clear out thismystery hanging in the air. Does green tea contain caffeine and is that a badtrait of this beverage?
The Answer
Green tea is definitely rich in caffeine. Moreover, itsleaves contain even more caffeine than coffee does. Nevertheless, due to thefact that we remove the leaves from the beverage, we reduce this caffeinevalue, making it lesser than that of coffee, where all the ingredients staypresent in our cup. Thus, logically, less leaves means less caffeine. Besidesthis useful trick, there are plenty other which may enable you tea enjoyingexperience without excessive amounts of this, unwanted substance.
The Tricks
If you grow green tea, you will definitely benefit fromknowing that the larger the leaves are, the less caffeine they have inside ofthem. Additionally, caffeine value is much higher in the leaves which arelocated higher on the plant itself. Therefore, pick those nearest to the groundand make sure you take the largest ones, if you desire the minimal caffeinevalues in your precious beverage.
There are more useful tips where these came from. Namely,caffeine value decreases with each steeping of leaves. Thus, if you use thesame leaves for making tea twice, the second round will have half of thecaffeine value the first one had. Similarly, once you prepare green tea leaves,those prepared quicker will have less of the notorious substance than thoseteas you prepare slowly. The container size plays an important role too, thelarger-the better.
Finally, there is another useful method. All you need to dois sacrifice one portion of tea for a significantly decaffeinated one. First,boil your tea bags in water normally, the same way you do any time you preparetea. After being boiled for half a minute, throw the water away and make a newone. This process will surely remove almost entire caffeine value from yourgreen tea, making it possible to enjoy your favorite beverage with no worries.The levels of the troublesome substance are thereby reduced to a tolerableminimum, making it possible to be consumed with no effects on our organism.
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