Pregnancy isnot the time to experiment with new substances and diets. All artificial productsmust be used with much greater care than in any other age, because everythingyou eat, as a pregnant woman, also affects your unborn child. Some of thethings might be safe to use and others might hurt your baby. Make sure toconsult your doctor about all supplements, herbal remedies and all kinds ofmedications, both OTC and prescription medications, you want to use, whilebeing pregnant. Always talk to the doctor first, and if he or she agrees then startusing the drug or the remedy.
Aspartame isone of the artificial sweeteners present on the market. Many products,advertised to contain fewer calories, especially diet sodas and other dietdrinks, contain this sweetener.
It is saidto be a 100 times sweeter than ordinary sugar, and its taste should staymuch longer in the mouth. This artificial sweetener is made from aspartic acidand contains no carbohydrates. For some time, many nutritionists and doctorsdebate about the potential risks of aspartame use. The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has approved this product as safe to be used, but still, there areseveral claims that suggest potential problems.
Consummationof aspartame could cause stomach problems, hypertension and headaches. Aspartamemetabolizes in the body to aspartic acid, methanol and phenylalanine, and thesesubstances might be associated with increased risks for the baby’s brain. Anotherthing is the link between the consummation of aspartame and increased risk ofcancers.
Should YouUse Aspartame in Pregnancy
Pregnant womenshould know that it is not safe to drink diet sodas or other diet drinks duringpregnancy. The food you eat (and what you drink, also) should be nutritive forthe baby you are carrying, and drinking something (supposedly) without anycalories is pointless and unhealthy. Another thing in these drinks is theamount of caffeine they contain. Caffeine is never advised as the goodsubstance if you are expecting the child, since it can affect your and thehealth of your baby, too.
Aspartame,although with fewer calories than ordinary sugar, is said to be safer toconsume during the pregnancy in moderate amounts. Never use this artificial sweetenerin large quantities.
Women sufferingfrom phenylketonuria (PKU) should not use aspartame. This type of geneticdisorder is always diagnosed in the early childhood, and these patients areadvised to stay away from the products containing aspartame. Their body can’tmetabolize phenylalanine or amino acids, and the use of aspartame may cause seriouscomplications for the mother and even some brain damage to the unborn child.
If you haveany doubts whether you should use aspartame, it is always good to consult your doctor.
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