What Are Tonsils?
Tonsils are two lymphatic masseslocated in our throat areas, more specifically, the pharynx part ofour throat. Unfortunately, there are cases where our tonsils getinfected by various viruses and bacteria, becoming inflamed. Thereare numerous different people who suffer from this condition and need adequate treatment. However, the most commonpatients, being quite prone to this health issue, are children andinfants. Inflammation of the tonsils is a medical condition namedtonsillitis.
Symptoms and Reasons behind Tonsillitis
As it was mentioned above, the activityof certain microorganisms is known to trigger this minor healthproblem. The main symptoms are pain in the throat area and difficulty swallowing. As far as the bacteria are concerned, streptococcus Ais the most common type affecting our tonsils. When we speak aboutviruses which are capable of doing the same, we need to mention theusual suspect, Espetin Barr, the virus which triggers mononucleosis.
The most common symptoms,apart from the previously mentioned ones, that indicate the condition are swelling inthe throat, pain in the neck or the jaw area, headache,earache, stomachache, voice mutation and increased body temperature.Moreover, children with tonsillitis are likely to cry and be in a badmood due to the pain and irritation involved in the process.
Is Tonsillitis Contagious?
Since tonsillitis is an infection caused by bacteriaor viruses, most of the types of this conditionare highly contagious and can be transferred from person to person throughnasal fluids. Basically, all an infected person needs to do to pass the infection onto somebody else is tocough or sneeze and in that way transfer the microorganisms onto a healthy person.
Therefore, tonsillitis is contagious,regardless of whether it is viral or bacterial.
Possible Treatments for Tonsillitis
The treatment depends greatly on thetype of the infection you are suffering from. If bacteria are causingyour health problems, you will be treated with antibiotics once youseek medical assistance and get properly examined. Viral tonsillitis,on the other hand, has to go through its course since itdisappears on its own after about two weeks. However, there are caseswhere tonsillitis can never be completely healed, regardless of thetreatment.
Finally, even if you are undergoing an adequate treatment, the microorganismswhich have caused your tonsillitis are still easily transferred ontoother people. Therefore, be careful and treat this condition as soonas possible, avoiding exposure of other people to it.
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