Inversion tables are devices that are used to help relieve back pain. The tables, essentially, cause the body to hang upside down. There has been some doubt as to the efficiency of the tables, and the fact that opinion is so divided means that the subject merits some further attention. Back pain is a widespread problem and can be very uncomfortable. Normal treatments for this type of pain include the use of anti-inflammatory medication, cortisone injections and tractions.
Benefits and usage
Inversion therapy is said to have been in existence since around 400 BC. Basically, the treatment involves an individual being hung upside down. The theory behind this is that this will help one to decompress the spinal discs. These discs can become compressed as a result of the application of constant pressure. Inversion therapy aims to reverse this process. Manufacturers of the tables claim that the tables can provide relief from back pain, increase flexibility, improve blood circulation, reduce muscle pain and relieve stress.
The tables themselves are customized in order to maximize the results of the therapy. The body hangs down through the table. One's feet are supported by an assembly. Tables can be adjusted in order to provide varying levels of tilt. Many people gain benefits through partially tilting the table.
The more acute the angle of the table, the more time that can be spent on it. However, the greater the inversion, the quicker the relief will occur. Those who own the tables are therefore free to adjust the level and tilt of their table as desired. However, the use of inversion tables are not recommended for everyone. Most tables carry warnings with regard to usage.
Those who should exert a certain level of caution when using the tables include those who suffer from heart disease and high blood pressure. Those with eye disorders or glaucoma should avoid undergoing inversion therapy. Needless to say, pregnant ladies would be advised against using an inversion table.
Many users have experienced sudden back pain after the use of inversion tables. One survey indicated that about 155 of 175 people were enabled to return to work after inversion therapy. However, not everyone will feel the benefits of the tables. Improper use can lead to spinal pain and injury. What helps one person may not help another.
Use of the tables should only be undertaken after prior consultation with a qualified physician.
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