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Tough to deal with

Though it may notappear as a rather difficult thing to do, bringing relief to your baby while it is having trouble with the runny nose is not an easy thing to do. As amatter of fact, running nose can initiate numerous and more unpleasant conditionsfor the baby such as congestion, which can additionally affect their crankinessand irritation in a negative manner and thus only intensify them. Still, thiscondition is considered to be a fairly frequent occurrence when infants are inquestion, and is regarded as a direct manifestation of either a common cold, or a specific kind of an allergy. The condition in question is a direct consequenceof the excessive fluid build up inside the baby’s nasal cavity, i.e. its nose,which is responsible for causing congestion inside the tissues, as well as bloodvessels situated in the nose. The official term for this condition, as used inmedicine, is Rhinorrhea (“discharge of the nose”).

Common culprits

There are twospecific causers of this specific conditions in infants, and those arecold or viral infection, and various allergies – hay fever most of all. What thepresence of such bacteria and virus brings about is the increased secretion ofmucus and fluids from the nasal cavity. Other common culprits includesubstances having a rather strong odor, environmental allergens such as pollenand common dust, as well as flu and sinus related infections.

Most commonmanifestations

This condition is inmost cases followed by various different manifestation such as sneezing andintensive cough. In case at the bottom there lies common cold, this can beaccompanied by light fever as well. When taking allergies in consideration,they are held responsible for the initiation of sneezing, occurrence of thedischarge that is watery in nature from the eyes, as well as redness of eyes. As for the children suffering from flu, cough and fever togetherare considered to be the main manifestations, and are often accompanied bydiarrhea and vomiting.

Treatment methods

In order to treatthis condition with success, in most cases employed are such medications asantihistamines, because they have the ability to decrease the nasal discharge, alongsidewith the nasal sprays. But, before resorting to this, visiting a physician is amust. Among other simple and yet effective remedies are such as saline water,employment of a room humidifier and alike, which will make sure that there isenough fresh air for the baby.

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