Echoes of Bowel Sounds
Once you have filled your stomach with a delicious meal the body then needs to extract the goodness from this food for the benefit of the body. As the food is processed it passes through our intestines which are hollow. During this process abdominal sounds are generated that sound like echoes from the stomach area and can be heard without the aid of a stethoscope. Known as intestinal motility or peristalsis the sounds are like a rushing and gurgling sensation and can produce noise that is audible to others around you. Whilst in general these sounds and sensations of rushing are an indication that the bowls are working correctly within the gastrointestinal tract. However, there are other sounds that may provide a clue to the actual health of an individual.
What Causes These Sounds from the Bowel
Medical practitioners when conducting investigations into suspected sounds or lack off will evaluate such symptoms like nausea, a history of vomiting, or persistent diarrhea. The doctor carrying out the investigation will also need to be informed about the presence or not of your bowel movements, associated gas or flatulence and its regularity. There also may be issues associated with no hyperactive bowel sounds following a period when these were persistent and could indicate serious health issues. For example, the patient may have what is known as a strangulation of the bowel that can lead to necrosis which is the deterioration of bowel tissue. These same symptoms could show that the patient has a rupture of the bowel which can also affect the tissue in the stomach lining.
Health Issues Relating to Hyperactive Bowels
As the reader is now aware most of the sounds emanating for our bowels are quiet normal during the digestion period and therefore need not concern the individual in seeking treatment.Not everything is perfect though as persistent hyperactive bowels may lead to a number of health issues. This article touches on these health issues briefly, further reading and research is recommended. For example, crohn’s disease, gastroenteritis and food hypersensitivity plus what is known as ulcerative colitis that is more commonly known as IBS which is caused by swelling of the large intestine and rectum. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract that may be minimal or severe and could extend from the mouth to the large bowel. There are other symptoms that cause hypoactive bowel sounds not discussed here.
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