Wet cough is a very unpleasant disorder, and it affects and pains ribs, lungs and arms. Constantly running nose and sore throat only adds to discomfort. There can be several causes of wet cough and also a various treatments depending on what type of cough is it. Wet cough is inflammation of the throat, and it’s started with dry cough.
There are two main types of wet cough; acute and chronic. If you have wet caught more than twice a year, you have a chronic type of wet cough.
In cases of wet cough in small children, situation is little different. Smaller children do not have ability to spit the mucus, the rather tend to swallow it. In this case, it can upset their stomach and cause the stomach aches. These circumstances make it very important to contact your doctor as soon as you can, in order to prevent these complications with small children.
There are as many as 250 possible causes of infections and inflammations that can cause wet cough. Many of them can be cured successfully, either with some home remedies, or with doctor’s examination and medications. Here is a list of most common causes of acute or chronic wet cough;
Chest infectionPneumoniaLung abscessCystic fibrosisAcute or chronic bronchitisCommon coldAIDS or HIVUpper respiratory tract infectionsTuberculosisEmphysemaForeign body in the lungsBronchiectasisPneumoconiosisEtc.
There are things that you should NOT do, especially in more severe cases of wet cough, when people, out of panic or worry, tend to use unhealthy combinations of home and pharmacy remedies.
There are some health tips, in those cases; you should avoid to use antihistamines, although they seems to be a logical choice, in fact, they tend to dry the mucus and instead secreting it, it stays in your lungs.
You should not use cough suppressants, because as name tells it, they tend to suppress cough which is bad thing in cases of wet cough. In cases of suppressed cough mucus can be building in your lungs, thus prolongs and spread infection.
You should also avoid using any combination of those two coughing suppressants or expectorants and coughing medications, because the mixture of these two can be potentially very dangerous.
Home treatments for wet cough are several; you should keep warm, in order for your phlegm to remain in running state. You should also drink plenty of got fluids, like soups, or drink teas and hot water. Try to avoid coffee and similar antidepressants.
Use paracetamol medications for pain and fever, and take a long and hot showers frequently.
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