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Sunburns are, as the name itselfsuggests, damages on the skin caused by excessive exposure to the heat of thesun. In most cases they are experienced through redness and small irritation ofthe skin and are best treated by reducing one's exposure and treating it withcreams and sun lotions. However, in some cases, the burn can be to an extentthat blisters may appear. Such sunburns are dangerous and require medicalassistance as they can be potentially cancerous or leave permanent marks on theskin.

It is important to bear in mindthat not only light skinned people are prone to sunburns but rather people ofall races and skin colors. Sunburns are not caused by mere heat but also by ourSun's harmful ultra violet radiation. Besides sun rays, devices in tanningsaloons may produce even more radiation thus making them even more dangerousand not recommended for one to expose his or her skin to it, although manypeople do, often excessively.

Many people have alreadyexperienced some of the symptoms of sunburn like the color change of the burnedspot into light red or even purple-like skin, tender to the touch and prone toirritation. Additionally, more serious cases involve the appearance of blistersfull of fluids, often painful when they burr or get removed, leaving a layer ofthin, new skin underneath it. Fever or even vomiting may accompany the mostserious cases of sun overexposure as well as eye irritation is no protection isworn.

Sunburn is also known to speed upthe aging process of the skin, causing premature wrinkles to appear as wall asmany other skin aging symptoms.

Light sunburns often disappear ontheir own and no medical attention is needed. In most cases, applying somethingcold over the burnt area, or immersing it whole into cool water can help.Additionally, apply anti-sunburn or regular burn lotions over the burnt spot.In case of more serious burns accompanied by blisters, treat the blistersregularly with lotions while covering them with gauze or similar material anddo not remove them before they dry out and disappear or fall off on their own.Drink plenty of fluids but avoid alcohol since it only adds to dehydration.Water is the best choice.

If all fails and the pain arepresent as well as signs of an infection over and on the burnt area, relieveyourself of pain by taking some over-the-counter painkillers and contact yourdoctor to prevent any progress of possible infections or complications.

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