Dogs bring a joy into people’s lives. However, having a dog puts on huge responsibility on you. Your dog, as well as human beings, can suffer from numerous different illnesses. Your dog cannot complain about the pain nor can it tell you what kind of sensations it is experiencing, so you need to learn how to recognize ailments from merely observing your dog.
Dogs can suffer from viral or bacterial infections, problems with their stomach, kidneys, heart, they can have allergies etc. Dogs can also suffer from traumas, they can have phobias. In extreme cases dogs can undergo serious diseases such as cancer, heart failure and so on.
Typical are also dental diseases, worm infestations, ear infection, urinary infection, obesity, arthritis, diabetes and many other.
The crucial thing in order to help your dog is to carefully observe it and recognize symptoms of illness on time. If your dog is ill it will usually stop playing and eating, it will strain to urinate, it may have dark urine with traces of blood, it will sleep all day and have painful and sad look in its eyes. The dog may also cough, shake its head frequently, it can smell bad and so on.
If you change dog food or if a dog has eaten something that does not suit its stomach, it can have diarrhea or constipation.
If your dog coughs non stop it could have caught a cold or it can suffer from pneumonia, heart worm or heart disease.
If you find traces of blood in your dog’s urine it may have urinary tract infection, kidney disease, internal injury or can be bitten by an infected tick.
If your dog is eating grass it wants to clean its bowels. After that it might throw up. There is no need to be alarmed in such cases. However if this happens repeatedly it may be a sign that your dog suffers from worm infestation, gastrointestinal illnesses or it may be even poisoned.
Your dog deserves love and care. If you see that your dog is acting in an unusual way contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
If your dog suffers from diarrhea you need to change its food. Do not give your dog leftovers from your food since it may be bad for its stomach. If your dog has diarrhea do not give it too much water at once since this will worsen the symptoms. Do not feed it at least 12 hours. Prepare it rice and boiled chicken or white fish since these are known to sooth its stomach. If your dog does not want to eat that give it his favorite food. Prepare warm food for it and add a little bit of garlic.
If your dog suffers from arthritis you need to assist it when climbing stairs. Provide it comfortable bed and massage its limbs. Give it all the medicines prescribed by a veterinarian.
If your dog has skin injury or any type of skin infection apply the adequate medicine and put it a Buster or Elizabethan collar in order to prevent licking of a wound.
You can even put your old socks on its feet to stop scratching. Bathe it in lukewarm salty water or apply chamomile or hazel cream into the affected area of skin.
The easiest way for your dog to swallow medicine is to put the medicine into a pate or a similar type of food and give it to it.
If your veterinarian prescribed ear or eye drops to your dog, be very careful when applying them.
Following instructions given from veterinarian will help your dog restore its health and start acting naturally again.
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