A muscle spasm in the neck is a sudden contraction of the neck muscle which can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most likely symptoms of these spasms are severe pain and tension in the affected area, and they may even be swelling. Some of them may occur due to irregular nerve function, putting an extreme amount of pressure on the muscle or nutritional deficiency.
The most common cause of muscle spasms is the simple twisting and turning of the neck with unrestrained force, which disrupts the blood flow and leads to further discomfort. As for the nutritional deficiency, the main reason of this being the cause of muscle spasms is the lack of vitamin. Vitamins are crucial for proper muscle function. Therefore, muscle spasms in the neck can be easily prevented by making sure to insert a sufficient amount of vitamins D and B12, but also magnesium and calcium.
However, if muscle spasms keep on happening, there is no need to worry, since they are mostly easily treatable and ways to get rid of them in a short time span are numerous.
The pain-relieving drugs may be the most obvious choice, and they are indeed effective. These medications are anti-inflammatory and are regularly prescribed for this sort of pain.
Besides that, a relaxing massage, especially a professional one, should eliminate the pressure, and is perhaps considered the most efficient option.
Significant relief may come from balms, which can be bought at drugstores. These balms contain menthol which raises body heat and increases blood flow, thereby relaxing the muscles.
Perhaps the quickest way of taking care of a muscle spasm would be holding an ice pack on the irritated area. The ice improves circulation which is brought about by a rush of blood flow, enabling the release of tightness in the neck.
On the other hand, some muscle spasms may be too intense to be aided by these aforementioned means, and one is obliged to seek for more help. In those situations, the best thing to do is consult a doctor who can prescribe the so-called muscle relaxants, which can be combined with regular pain relievers and bring considerable relief.
In case even this turns out to be a letdown for someone, the next step would be narcotic painkillers. They are not easily recommended because they are addictive and have unpleasant side effects such as nausea, dizziness and lethargy.
Finally, the least familiar way of treating muscle spasms is possibly magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy would entail wearing a neck wrap. People with chronic muscle pain are the ones to try out this option. The more moderate solutions for them could be a magnetic necklace or pillow.
All in all, there are many possibilities for dealing with muscle spasms and it shouldn’t be too hard to find the most agreeable solution when in need.
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