Cramps are, simply involuntary and lasting muscle contractions in our body. Every muscle that we can move voluntarily may cramp, causing us temporary pain and discomfort, making us unable to move it or return it to its relaxed shape. The cramp may last just a few second or it may last for hours depending on the muscle or the situation causing it. Besides muscles, various organs in our body can succumb to a cramp. This article will consider relieving cramp pain and reducing, or reverting, the cramping process of cramps affecting skeletal muscles.
In most cases cramps may be stopped and prevented by mere stretching of the muscle involved. Whether it is some of our leg muscles or the ones in our hand, all we need to do at the moments when a cramp is emerging is to press either our hand onto the wall or lean our entire body on it in order to stretch the affected leg muscles. Flexing the ankles may also help.
Massage is an excellent remedy, even more if followed by exposing the muscle to warm compression or liquid. Thus taking a warm shower may reduce the remaining symptoms of a cramp and help relax the muscles. Hydration, liquid intake, that is it may be crucial since lack of fluid in one’s system is known to increase the possibility of these muscle fits.
If the cramps are regular and persistent, they might be caused by another underlying condition, especially if these treatments mentioned above fail to help with doing away with them. In such cases, one should concentrate on curing him or herself from that disease and most probably, the cramps, acting as side-effects or symptoms, may fade as well. For some muscle disorders causing cramps, Botox injections are known to be a temporary, but highly effective remedy.
During regular exercising or sport activity, one must be sure to drink suffice amounts of water before, during and after the activity since, quite often cramps are caused by liquid deficiency in our muscles and organism as well as by dehydration.
Additionally, numerous vitamin, mineral or any other substance deficiency we might have the possible cause of reoccurring cramps. Thus, intaking of those through adequate nutrition rich with fruit, fibers, grains, proteins as well as fat is crucial. Lack of calcium, magnesium and vitamin E are the most frequent causes of muscle cramps, especially those which strike us during sleep or muscle relaxation.
Having all that said, proper nutrition, regular exercise with adequate water intake as well as normal sleeping and resting habits ensure a life with minimal danger from muscle cramps.
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