A Potentially Painful Process
People who endured suffering fromkidney stones often compare the pain involved in the stone passing asone of the worst in the world. Namely, kidney stones are nothing morethan mineral formations, which are quite hard and may vary in sizeand shape. Therefore, logically, those stones which are small as agrain of sand pass easily and get expelled from the kidneys throughurine flow. On the other hand, bigger stones are much harder to getrid of, and even their movement around the kidneys may triggerserious onsets of pain and discomfort. Often, larger kidney stonesend up in the urinary tract and slowly go out of one's organism thisway. The process is extremely painful and may lead to numerouscomplications including the appearance of infections. Thus, the paindepends greatly on the position, size and shape of the stone. Thesame goes for the passing time. The bigger the stone, the harder itgoes through, and, so, the longer the process lasts. All in all,everything from several minutes up to hours, and, even days, ispossible.
Other Facts about Kidney Stones
As mentioned above, if a kidney stonegets trapped in the urinary tract, it triggers numerous difficulties.Firstly, the sufferer is bound to experience serious pain. Moreover,the toxic substances which are to be expelled through urine will gettrapped inside the organism, creating a risk of infections or someother diseases developing. Burning sensations and incredibly painfulurinating processes are some of the most common symptoms of thiscondition. Additionally, blood in the urine may be present as well.
Is Relief Possible?
You may make it easier on you if youchange your lifestyle a bit. Namely, proper hydration is crucialsince, then, you increase the frequency of urination, making it moreprobable for the stone to pass through. In addition, make sure youintake a lot of fiber-rich food, since this helps your digestionsignificantly. Also, lead an active life and stay in shape. Thisspeeds up your metabolism and increases toxin cleansing. These stepswill reduce the chances of developing kidney stones to a minimum.
Alternatively, you might settle for adifferent procedure. Lithotripsy is a process involving exposing yourkidney stones to sound waves of a specific frequency. Subsequently,these make your stones dissolve into tiny pieces, making it easierfor you to remove them out of your system. This is a very safe andhighly effective procedure, recommended to all those who havedifficulties fighting these persistent minerals in their kidneys.
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