Facts about Hot Flushes
Every woman who has reached her perimenopause or menopause part of life, knows all about hot flushes from a first hand experience, since these are the trademark of this condition. Hot flushes affect all women who are in menopause or are preparing to enter this period of a woman's development.
There are two types of hot flushes and both of these manifest through sudden, excessive feeling of heat affecting a woman's face, neck, chest and then the rest of the body. The only difference is in the length and the intensity of the onset of a hot flush. Namely, there is a type which strikes suddenly, happens with a very high intensity and vanishes in several minutes. On the other hand, there are those hot flushes which start suddenly and quickly as well, but are not so prominent and last for a longer period of time such as for several hours.
The symptoms of a hot flush makes a woman prone to mood swings, nervousness, concentration issues and many other fits which go hand-in-hand with perimenopause andmenopause.
Speaking of the risk group, we must mention women aging between 40 and 50, after they have ceased having menstrual cycles for about a year. During this time, a woman's body undergoes various changes and hormonal imbalances which trigger hot flushes, among various other things. Sometimes, however, younger women may experience hot flushes as well. Below are some of the most common reasons for that.
Usual Causes of Hot Flushes in YoungerWomen
The first possible cause is a condition called estrogen crash. This stands for a rapid decrease in the production of the female hormone and this can affect any woman older that 14 and younger than 44.
Thyroid problems are also one of the most common causes of hot flushes in younger women. Additionally, overconsumption of certain foods and drinks, like nitrites and sulfates may trigger hot flushes too.
Surgical removal of the uterus is known to cause premature menopause symptoms, along with the hot flushes as well. Pituitary gland problems, smoking, alcohol consumption, abusing drugs as well as consuming sugary and spicy food, energy drinks, too much unhealthy genetically modified and processed food or taking certain medications may also lead to hot flushes in younger women.
If these flushes become more frequent and prominent, you are highly advised to pay your doctor a visit and get adequate treatment, which is usually hormone replacement therapy.
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