Hormones are essential links between the mind and the body. They are vital for maintaining the fit and healthy body, and optimum cognitive functions. Most of the bodily functions in men are controlled by hormones secreted from the pituitary glands, testes and adrenal glands.
Causes of hormonal imbalance in men
Hormonal imbalance is a serious health problem of the modern age. The industrial world, environmental changes and increased levels of pollution made the hormone imbalance in men such a common problem. Toxins from the environment are polluting the body and making changes in the normal hormonal secretion patterns. Today, most of the men experience hormonal problems at the early 40’s.
Genetic factors are also considered significant in determining the rapidity and extent of hormone reduction in men. In addition, traumatic testicular injuries may also lead to hormone imbalances, as damage to the testes often leads to reduced production of male sex hormone.
Anabolic steroids and other drugs containing synthetic testosterone, may lead to reduced testosterone production in the long term. Body may become saturated with synthetic steroids and react by reducing the level of its own production. Most of the steroid abusers suffer from severe testosterone imbalance.
A chronic lack of sleep, emotional and physical stress, are also responsible for hormonal imbalance. These unhealthy behaviors may increase the levels of cortisol and provoke tiredness, cognitive dysfunction and low libido.
Long term use of drugs and tobacco may significantly lower the levels of testosterone and the sperm count. The final outcome of this irresponsible behavior may be a lifelong impotence and infertility.
Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men
Decline of testosterone naturally occurs in the process of aging. However, certain changes may point out to severe hormonal imbalance that requires a treatment. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men usually involve weight gain in the abdominal area, irritation, frequent mood swings, depression, tiredness, erectile dysfunction and loss of libido, breast enlargement, problems with heart and prostate.
If estrogen becomes dominant in the body, a male person may experience urinary problems, impotency, allergies, diabetes, infertility, loss of bone mass, excessive weight gain and other.
Treatment of hormonal imbalance in men
Natural hormonal changes usually have mild effects on the body. However, if the chemical imbalance in the body is severe, patient may need a treatment. There are a number of ways to treat hormonal imbalances. Different drugs and hormonal supplements are used to overcome the deficiency hormones. Hormonal supplements can be taken with a prescription. On the other hand, hormone blockers are also available to help in blocking the hormones that are produced in excess. Life style moderation is also considered important in treatment of the hormonal imbalance.
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