Neck pain is a very common problem with a lot of people, but fortunately, it is not a serious one. Neck pain is often a consequence of many hours in front of the computer or other activities when you maintain poor posture. Old age and arthritis can contribute to neck pain problems.
But in rare cases that your symptoms of neck pain include the inability to touch your chest with your chin, loss of strength in your hands or arms, shooting pain down your arm or in your shoulder, or change in your bowel or bladder habits, you should consult your doctor.

- A study in France, where patients can choose whether to go to a conventional or homeopathic doctor, has documented the effectiveness of homeopathy in reducing the use of conventional pain medications. This year-long study compared patients with a variety of musculoskeletal disorders, including osteoarthritis, rheumatism, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, tendinitis, rotary cuff syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc disorders, neck pain, torticollis, and spinal stenosis. The homeopathic patients used 25% fewer narcotics and only half as many NSAIDs. Not surprisingly, they had fewer adverse events. Yet, there was no difference in specific functional scores and no loss of therapeutic opportunity in the homeopathic cohort—all the more surprising, since the homeopathic cohort's conditions were more longstanding.
- A two-year multicenter study in Germany of patients receiving individualized professional homeopathic treatment for chronic low back pain revealed that the severity of their diagnoses was reduced, along with their use of conventional treatments and health services; the number of patients using conventional drugs was half of the baseline, and quality of life improved in both the physical and mental component scale.
- Other studies in Europe have shown that homeopathy can provide better relief from back pain than placebo, or comparable pain relief with fewer adverse events.
Homeopathic Remedies for Neck Pain
Homeopathy is an excellent alternative treatment for various health issues, it is considered to be nonevasive, safe, and without side effects. For instructions on what homeopathic remedy to choose for your neck pain, dosage, and way of use, it would be best to consult with your doctor or homeopathic expert. Here are some homeopathic remedies that you can use for your neck pain problems.
This remedy is recommended for use in cases when your neck pain radiates out and is similar to electric shock spreading into your left arm. Feelings of pain and stiffness are also present when you pull your head backward. Damp and cold conditions worsen the pain, and warmth, pressure, and rest relieve the symptoms.
This homeopathic remedy is recommended for use in cases when pressing neck pain is accompanied by heaviness and tenderness. Also, pain may affect the right arm, shoulder, and wrist. Touching or moving your arm makes the pain worse, and sometimes, when the weather rapidly changes, the spine area can be affected, too. The appliance of warmth greatly reduces pain.
Tenderness and soreness in the neck region together with persistent dull headache are indications for the usage of this homeopathic remedy. Pain intensity may vary from time to time and patients are very weak and lethargic. Pain is relieved in cases when patients lie down with their head raised and aggravated from cold and damp weather conditions.
Indications for usage of this remedy are muscle and tendons stiff contractions, and muscles on the neck are weakened. Patients can not turn their heads to the right or have difficulty bending backward. Pain in the neck is very strong and accompanied by tearing and a burning sensation. Movements aggravate the pain, and heat exposure relieves the symptoms.
Stitching sensation which spread towards shoulders and pain in the neck region are indications for the usage of Bryonia. Swelling and feelings of hotness in the shoulders are also present, and movements enhance the pain while relaxation of shoulder and neck regions brings relief from symptoms.
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