Lipoma is the name used for the occurrence of a small fatty lump that forms between the skin and the underlying muscle layer.
It can be easily detected by touch and it is not cancerous. Usually, more than one lipoma appears, and that condition is called adiposis dolorosa. Middle age is the period when lipomas are most common, although they may develop at any age. They are more frequent in women than in men.

Causes and Symptoms of Lipoma
The main cause for the appearance of lipoma is not found yet, although there are some clues that this condition can be inherited and that genetic factors can contribute to the appearance of lipomas. It is not true that they appear because of excessive fat since they have nothing to do with obesity.
The most frequent places where lipomas appear are the neck, back, shoulders, arms, and thighs. They are small, soft, and doughy to the touch, and usually, they are not painful, unless they become too large and make pressure on certain nerves.
Treatment of Lipoma
In most cases lipomas are not harmful and do not cause any problems or complications. Usually, before diagnosis, a biopsy is performed in order to establish that the grown tissue is not cancerous. However, in the case when a large single lipoma appears, surgery such as liposuction is done, because it hardly leaves a scar.
If many lipomas appear, then incisional removal is recommended. It is not unusual that lipomas develop again in the same place. Therefore, surgeries for lipoma removal are not recommended.
Homeopathic Treatment for Lipoma
To successfully treat lipomas, there are several homeopathic remedies that are very effective. These remedies prevent the growth of another lipoma in the place where one is already destroyed. Furthermore, the homeopathic remedies for lipoma decrease the swelling of lipoma, and thus the lipoma is hardly visible.
Homeopathic doctors usually prescribe one of 22 homeopathic medicines, depending on the case. Calc ars, Calc carb, Calc flour, Lapis alb, Radium Brom, Silicea, Spigelia, and Thuja are some of the homeopathic remedies that are regarded to be very beneficial for the treatment of lipoma.
- A person with a lipoma will typically feel a soft, oval-shaped lump just beneath the skin. Lipoma is usually painless until they invade joints, organs, nerves, or blood vessels. In most cases, they do not cause other symptoms. A deep lipoma may place pressure on internal organs or nerves and cause associated symptoms
- Risk factors include an increased level of cholesterol, overweight, diabetes, and liver disorders.
- Total number of cases analyzed as per modified intention to treat. Marked improvement with a decrease in size with the disappearance of swelling and symptoms of pain (60% to 50%). Moderate improvement with a moderate decrease in size (25% to 15%). Mild improvement with slight decreases in size (15% to 10%). Not any significant change in size or relief of pain (5%).
Moreover, there is also an alternative therapy called Auroh homeopathic treatment for lipoma, which is one of the most harmless and effective treatments. This kind of treatment may last longer than all the other treatments, but it is very helpful. In this treatment, the fat is decreased and further growth is prevented.
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