Indigestion is also known by the names dyspepsia or upset stomach, and it represents the lack of the ability to properly digest anything, but particularly food. It is followed by feelings of uneasiness and discomfort in the stomach. Indigestion is not considered to be a real illness, it simply results from a combination of symptoms such as the nausea, bloating and burping. There are some completely natural ways to ease these symptoms which have proven to be quite helpful.
Natural ways of treating indigestion
Bryonia is an herbal supplement which is best used to relieve symptoms of nausea. If the person dealing with indigestion experiences some vomiting or feels the food which has not yet been completely digested return to the mouth, then bryonia is the herb for them. These symptoms are most likely to appear shortly after a meal, although that is not necessarily the case. Some additional symptoms may include swelling, sensitivity in the abdominal area, as well as severe pain.
Should these symptoms manifest themselves in their full intensity, there are ways to feel instant, but temporary, relief. One thing to do is to lie down on the back while placing the legs as high as possible. Drinking a glass of cool, refreshing water may be surprisingly helpful, not only because water can soothe the pressure in the stomach, but also because the tongue tends to become completely dried out, which results in the appearance of a kind of a white substance that has quite an unpleasant smell.
Another herb which can be helpful with taking care of indigestion is carbo vegetabilis. Carbo vegetabilis is very successful in getting rid of feelings of nausea, bloating and stomach ache.
Maybe the worst thing about indigestion in this case is that it makes the person feel almost constantly hungry, but as soon as they take in a very small amount of food, they are unable to keep eating due to the rising discomfort in the abdominal area.
Sometimes, this kind of indigestion is a result of food poisoning or a frequent intake of alcohol. Also, there are certain food types that are even more difficult to digest than the rest of them. Those are usually foods that are rich in fats and oil, but these foods can also include beans and fish, as well as beverages such as milk and coffee. Carbo vegetabilis should be more than able to ease these symptoms and allow for proper digestion.
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