Allergy Treatment
First and most important thing is to find out what exactlyyou are allergic to. Visit your doctor and allergist and determine the bestcourse of treatment for you.
However, most people allergic to something usually go to thefirst pharmacy in order to stop runny nose or sneezing. Epi-pens arerecommended for bees ting allergies, various creams for hives caused by foodallergies, and some OTC (over the counter) antihistamines can work for peopleallergic to grass and/or pollen. Medications against allergies works for thesymptoms and patients do feel almost instant relief. But, these drugs won’tcure the allergy and next time you encounter the same allergen your symptomswill reappear once again.
Preventing the Allergy
To be able to live your life without constant use ofanti-allergy medications, you should look for something that can prevent yourallergies. Allergy shots might be your answer, since these are proactivesolutions for people suffering from allergies.
Shots work by one simple general principle: they willdeliver small amount of the allergen you are sensitive to and your body willadjust to the substance and won’t react so intensively any more to it. It takessome time, and in most cases patients need to have injections every week forabout 6 months, but many can be cured from allergies using these allergy shots.After 6 months of treatment, you body should be well adjusted to allergen andit won’t cause so much (or none whatsoever) trouble as you had.
Possible Problems with Allergy Shots
Allergy shots, no matter how effective might carry somerisks. So, if your allergies are serious, even tiny amount of the allergen inthese injections may cause severe health problems. Luckily, this happens veryrarely, and doctors are usually beside you in case anything goes wrong.
Some groups of people should not use allergy shots. These include:patients using beta blockers to manage some heart problems and patients with immunesystem disorders. Pregnant women should also avoid these shots.
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