High amount of white blood cells found in urine during urine test is indication of possible infection in the body. White blood cells (also known as leukocytes) are normally present in the body and their function is to fight against any infections that may harm the human organism. So, if someone happens to have increased level of white blood cells in urine the most likely explanation is some bacterial infection.
Test used to check for the presence of leukocytes is called leukocyte esterase test. For this, a person must collect a sample of his or her urine, without any prior preparations or measures. Patients should gather a sample of their clean early morning urine and bring it to the laboratory. In there, technicians will perform routine urine dipstick test. If the test is positive, urine sample will be checked under the microscope for the presence of white blood cells or some abnormal cell bodies.
False positive results may be caused by some vaginal secretion with heavy mucus or blood discharge. Trichomonas infection may also lead to falsely positive results of leukocyte esterase test. Sometimes, there are also false negative results, mainly because of high levels of vitamin C or proteins in the body.
High Count of White Blood Cells
Several causes can lead to positive results of leukocyte esterase test, including: infections of the urinary tract, bladder or the kidneys. Other possible causes may be preservation of urine in the body for a long period of time and obstructions in the urinary system, such as bladder or kidney stones and tumors. All these may provoke high white blood cell count in urine sample.
Most of infections which cause high leukocytes in urine are not serious and can be completely treated. However, keep in mind that prevention is much better because once there are white blood cells in urine - your body’s immune system is definitely weakened.
Infections of the urinary tract (UTI) are usually caused by bacteria during sexual intercourse. If you notice pain and burning sensation during urination it is likely you are suffering from UTI and you should consult your doctor about the treatment.
Infections of the bladder may also cause pain and burning, but also some clouding of urine.
Kidney infection is usually something which started as urinary tract infection and then progressed and affected the kidneys. In healthy people, kidneys prevent blood cells from entering urine. However, when kidneys don’t function as they should because of some infection patients can experience the presence of white blood cells in urine.
When a person tries to hold urine for a long time it causes stretching and weakening of the bladder. This in turn leads to incomplete emptying of the bladder, bacterial infection and thus high count of white blood cells in urine.
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