Our body is supplied with the nutrients and oxygen through blood, which is made of several components that have their important and indispensable functions. One of the blood components is the white blood cells apart from the red blood cells, blood platelets and blood plasma. If one goes to consult a doctor when he/she does not feel well, the doctor usually orders so-called complete blood count, which includes white blood cells count as well.
White blood cells
The white blood cells, called leukocytes as well, constitute 1% of the total blood volume in a healthy person. These cells are created in the bone marrow and while they are still immature, they are discharged into the peripheral blood when they are termed as stabs or bands. Within 13 to 20 days they are killed in the lymphatic system.
The main function of leukocytes is to aid the body to fight against the foreign bodies that enter the body. The white blood cells first surround the foreign body and then they kill it in the process called phagocytosis. Another function of the leukocytes is to assist in the creation and transportation of the antibodies. When one contracts an acute infection, the leukocytes manufacture the colony-stimulating factor. This substance further promotes the elevated production of the white blood cells by the bone marrow.
White blood cells count
When it comes to the white blood cells count that is considered normal, it is the count that ranges from 4500 to 10000 leukocytes per micro-liter. However, the white blood cells can be of five types that differ between themselves and each type has its normal range. Thus, neutrophils make 50-70% of the total white blood cell count in a healthy person, while lymphocytes make 25-35% of the total count of the leukocytes. Furthermore, monocytes constitute 4-6%, eosinophils 1-3% and basophils 0.4-1% of the total white blood cell count.
High white blood cell count
When the leukocyte count is above 30000 cells per micro-liter, it is an indicator of an infection, inflammation and leukemia. Furthermore, the people with allergy and burns will have the high white blood cell count. It is also regarded that the use of certain medicines like antibiotics and anti-seizure medicines may also lead to the increase of the levels of leukocytes.
It is very important to maintain the normal white blood cells count since the high levels may increase the chance of developing some cardiovascular disorder, while low levels of the white blood cells may cause even sepsis in the severe cases.
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