Introduction to Carbohydrates
Everyone knows what carbohydrates are, they are the best source of energy possible for the muscles of the body. There are two essential types of carbohydrates, simple and complex.
The simple ones are derived from sugar in fruits that occurs naturally, while on the other hand, complex ones are coming from starch that is found in whole grains and other foods that are based from plants.
Carbohydrates not only provide energy, they also provide many beneficial vitamins and minerals as well.
There are stored in the muscles in the form of sugar, which is called glycogen.
This glycogen is then burned as energy during everyday physical activities that are performed.
Often, people who want to lose weight start a low carb diet plan and couple it with workouts, and they often get very tired because they do not have enough glycogen.
It is therefore very important to see how carbohydrates function in order to plan a good diet.
A good way to keep health and trim is to include a lot of high carb fruits and vegetables into the diet and to balance this kind of eating with an appropriate workout routine.
This is the best possible way to lose weight successfully and to keep it off.
High Carb Fruits
Fruits and vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates improve the digestive health as well and help to stabilize cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. They also improve the nervous system as well.
There are many fruits that are high in carbs, and some of them are apples, bananas, blueberries, clementines, damsons, dates, cherries, figs, grapes, prunes, pineapples, tangerines, kiwi, grapefruit, oranges, pears, satsumas, and watermelons.
These are all considered to be health and high carb fruits that are also high in fiber and low in energy density. It is important to not eat too many high carb fruits however, so keep the servings down to two or three servings a day of these fruits.
If a person is diabetic, they can still consume carbohydrates. It is said that a diabetic person can consume 15 grams of carbohydrates each day. This means that they can eat half of a medium-sized banana, half a cup of mangos, three quarters of a cup of pineapple, one third of a cup of sapodilla or one and a fourth cup of strawberries or watermelon.
Therefore, even though a person is diabetic does not mean that, he or she cannot enjoy the benefits of high carb fruits.
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