Tooth decay and cavities get developed in almost 98 percent of the adult American population. The common cause of these conditions is a large variety of bacterial pathogens mostly coming from the streptococcus family. Reduced occurrence of cavities after the teenage period is due to the resistance to streptococci developed over the years.
Severe dental conditions and the tooth decay were much more frequent before the invention of fluorinated water in the 20th century, so the doctors of the old days had to discover herbs which would protect the teeth and provide the patients with at least some kind of dental hygiene.
A green tea-type of beverage can be made from Camellia sinensis which is rich in fluoride and various other organic substances helpful in preventing tooth decay and dental disease. A few cups of tea a day sweetened with licorice instead of regular sugar will be of great help in fighting decay. Ordinary sugar as a sweetener should be avoided because it promotes much faster, extreme properties of tooth decay. Bay leaf has vast antibacterial properties and is a very powerful remedy for the prevention of tooth decay.
Even some brands of toothpaste contain the compound made from the bay leaf. Bloodroot possesses an enormous capacity for busting plaque and tooth decay. A compound found in bloodroot is called Sanguinarine and it binds itself chemically to dental plaque. It is also very effective against various gum diseases. Bloodroot is commonly found in many dental care products and mouthwashes.
Licorice is a wonderful herbal sweetener and it also has strong antibacterial properties so that makes it very helpful in preventing tooth decay. Stevia is another herbal sweetener, and some claim that it is even sweeter than licorice. Tootache tree is powerful in relieving tooth pain and it has antibacterial properties which greatly reduce dental decay.
Wild bergamot is also very efficient in fighting tooth decay. Geraniol is a chemical compound commonly found in wild bergamot and it is the main ingredient in charge of preventing tooth decay. Thymol is another compound abundant in the wild bergamot and is important because of its antiseptic properties. Chapparal also efficiently fights tooth decay and is present in many mouthwash products. It can be used as a tea or a mouthwash to fully enjoy its antiseptic properties.
Myrrh is very potent against tooth decay and also has antiseptic properties. One can prepare a dental rinse or liquid made from the herb.
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