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Onychomycosis is a contagious infection caused by a certain group of Dermatophyte fungus. The fungi feed on the keratin surface that can be found on the toenails. When a toenail gets exposed to this type of infection, it becomes disfigured and discolored. This infection usually occurs on the big and small toes but it can spread to other toenails and sometimes even fingernails. The infected toenails become yellow or brown in color, they grow thicker than normal and make the shoe wearing a painful thing to do.

The nails become brittle and they leave a foul smell and are mostly likely covered in spots on the downside. This type of infection is usually caused by a prolonged contact with damp areas like public gyms and swimming pools. Hosiery and tight shoes can also contribute to the development of the infection. The infection can easily spread to other toes and even other body parts. Certain other factors are also known as possible causes of fungal infections. These includes a weakened immune system, abnormal pH levels of the skin and not drying off the feet after exercises, swimming or bathing.

There are numerous home remedies which can be used for an efficient treatment of this type of fungal infection. One can mix olive oil and tea tree oil and apply it topically and then rub it on the infected nail. This solution is very beneficial because of its potent antifungal and antiseptic properties. Another powerful antiseptic is Listerine mouthwash.

One can soak the toes in a basin filled with it. A flat basin can also be filled with warm water and apple cider vinegar. Soaking the feet in this mixture for up to 20 minutes should provide great results. Dabbing the infected nail with cotton gauze that has been sprayed with lavender oil and tea tree oil should also be very beneficial because these substances have antibiotic properties and are very efficient in fighting infections and preventing skin irritation. Oregano oil can be mixed with olive oil and applied topically on the infected nail. Oregano oil provides unbelievable results because it has extremely strong antiseptic, anti-parasitical, antibacterial, analgesic, anti viral and antifungal properties. Creams based on Alpha Hydroxy acid can also be of great help in fighting fungal infections.

One should ingest more probiotics and they can be found in kefir and yogurt. Olive leaf extract is another substance that is very helpful. Refined carbohydrates should be avoided. Washing and drying the feet after visiting public areas that are warm and wet. One should wear cotton socks only as well.

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