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Allergies are reactions of the body to some usual things around us, such as the dust, plants, food or pets. You might experience food allergies, hay fever, asthma or eczema, since these are the most common allergies of all. When you are allergic to something and come in contact with that specific allergen, your body produces and releases histamine. This excess histamine lies behind the problems associated with allergies, including hives, itching, pain, sore throat or breathing difficulties. Other allergic reactions may include: bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, sneezing redness of the eyes and various other medical conditions.

Doctors could prescribe antihistamines or nasal corticosteroids, to ease some of the most prominent symptoms of the allergy. There are also different remedies that might be able to help you with your allergies. Some will reduce the allergy symptoms and others will strengthen your immune system, helping you to cope with allergens.


Although honey is not a herbal remedy, because it’s made by bees, it’s also made of different plants and is proven to be very helpful for people suffering from different allergic reactions. The best thing you can do is to find the honey made in the area where you live, since it is going to be the most efficient remedy for your allergies.

Vitamin C

Scientists confirmed that sufficient amounts of vitamin C can decrease the severity of the allergic symptoms. Therefore, people suffering from allergies should use natural sources of vitamins, like different fruits: berries, plums, grapes, oranges and lemon, and also some vegetables: peppers, broccoli and spinach.

Herbs for Allergies

Echinacea and ginseng are the two most used immune boosters that will help you dealing with allergies. These herbs will strengthen your immune system, reducing the chances for allergic reactions.

In many herbal remedies for allergies you will find at least some of the herbs proven to be useful, such as chamomile, eucalyptus, angelica, nettle, licorice, garlic, thyme, green tea or ginger.

Hay fever is most commonly treated with chamomile, nettle roots or angelica. Chamomile is natural anti-histamine, and it works by fighting against excess histamine in the body. Eucalyptus oil is frequently the choice for congestion, especially rubbed onto the chest.

Garlic and thyme are also excellent herbs for relieving the congestion associated with allergic reactions, but these remedies can also be used in people suffering from sinus problems, coughing or just some common cold-related nasal congestion.

Licorice root ingredients have been proved to possess some anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, beneficial for allergic rhinitis, hay fever and also conjunctivitis and bronchial asthma.

Ginger is also one of the herbal remedies useful in the treatment of various allergic reactions, preventing overproduction of histamine and reducing the inflammation in allergies.

Ayurveda Remedies

Ayurveda is the Indian holistic medical philosophy, and it has been used for thousands of years. These texts recommend detoxification and cleansing to prevent allergic reactions. If a person already suffers from respiratory problems or asthma due to an allergic reaction, Ayurveda advises bitter orange as the treatment for this condition.

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