Healthy Cereals
The three basic ingredients of the human diet are fruits, vegetables and grains. Grains has always been the main food. Wheat, corn, rye, oats, rice, buckwheat, millet, pigweed, barley, and quinoa are considered the healthiest food, because of its numerous properties that provide the improvement of health, as well as prevention and treatment of some diseases. Cereals must be represented in over 60% of human diet.Wheat
Whole wheat grains contain more vitamins E, K, PP, B complex and provitamin A than regular white flour. Vitamin B1 and B3 strengthen the nerves and tissue, and stimulate the metabolism. Vitamin E has rejuvenating function. Whole grain wheat contains powerful antioxidants, which have great importance in the prevention of colon cancer. Wheat has the highest content and the best quality of proteins.Barley
Barley grains are very rich in minerals - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, and selenium in particular, which acts as antioxidant. Barley also contains vitamin B complex and vitamins A, E and K. Research shows that eating barley helps reducing levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Barley is easy digestible. Vitamin B5 stands out, which is required for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It contains a large percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, and thus contributes to lowering cholesterol in the blood.Oats
Oats is the best source of calcium, which together with other minerals (P, Fe, K, Mg, Zn) contributes to the teeth and bone health.In addition, it is a grain that contains the most fatty acids (oleic and linolenic), which are arranged in an excellent ratio.
Also it is rich in fibers that influence the reduction of cholesterol in the blood and improve digestion. The composition of carbohydrates in oats (starch and fiber) provides its slowly digestion and slowly entering the blood, thus ensuring a steady source of energy, with no abrupt changes in blood sugar and hypoglycemic conditions.
Finally, oats is the ideal food for patients and people who are recovering from illness, since, it is easily digestible, rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E) and can establish a balance of electrolytes.
Millet is a very healthy cereal, not only by the richness of its nutritional value, but also because it is a rare alkaline grain. It is rich in magnesium and iron, which is especially important for the anemic people. Mineral composition of millet positively affects the nervous system. It should take a special place in the diet of people who suffer from arthritis, because of its alkaline properties. In addition, millet helps in regeneration of intestinal flora in patients who take antibiotics and those with digestive tract problems.Rice
Rice, like millet, is one of the alkaline grains, which means that it should be incorporated in menus. Compared with other cereals, rice has the highest energy value.Rye
Rye is particularly rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, and contains vitamin B complex and vitamin E. There is relatively small amount of gluten, which is important for those who are mildly sensitive to this ingredient. Fiber from rye may help in preventing the creation of stones in the bile. It is recommended for anemic persons, convalescents and children.
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