Brown Rice
All types of rice are available throughout the year and this food supplies half of the population with necessary nutrients daily. It is, after wheat, the most common crop. However, its refined version is used most frequently, which cannot be considered as healthy food. The difference between white and brown rice is great, not only in color. Brown rice is much healthier than white rice, because the process of brown rice production removes only the thinnest top layer and thus retains a large number of nutrients, which is not the case with white rice.Nutrient Content
Rice is grown in areas with plenty of water in the tropical and humid areas, such as China, India, Japan and parts of the United States. Today, rice is usually refined, thus losing valuable nutrients contained in its membranes. Brown rice is rich in complex carbohydrates, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B and niacin. It is poor in fat, but contains the essential proteins. Brown is the most balanced cereal, which is easily digestible and the closest to human by the energy.Nutritious and healthful brown rice has many qualities. Brown rice is energy supply of essential amino acids and some lipids. Membrane that surrounds it is rich in fiber, contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, and manganese, as well as fatty acids and vitamin PP. Manganese is important for energy production, and has antioxidant effect. Just one cup of brown rice meets 90% of the organism’s daily needs for this nutrient element.
In addition, there is a cocktail of vitamins B - biotin and vitamin B1 which are essential for nervous system.
Health Benefits of Brown Rice
DigestionFibers contained in brown rice membrane stimulate bowel movements, thus relieving constipation. So, brown rice should be included in menu along with other foods rich in fibers and fermented milk products to improve the intestinal flora. Selenium, an element also found in brown rice, is very effective in reducing the risk of colon cancer.
Specific Diet
Brown rice can be consumed in the case of allergy to proteins from cow's milk or intolerance to lactose (natural milk sugar) due to lack of enzymes necessary for their digestion. If someone wants to restore the feeling of milk drinking, he/she should drink brown rice based potions.
Gluten Intolerance
In the case of intolerance to certain proteins that contain gluten from wheat, barley and rye, brown rice and corn proved to be very valuable food.
Body Weight
American journal “Clinical Nutrition Magazine” has published a study about the connection between brown rice and weight. The survey was conducted on a large sample which included 74 000 women. It is proven that those respondents who often have brown rice on the menu do not have a problem with obesity.
Other Health Benefits
Brown rice is also useful for lowering cholesterol, strengthening the cardiovascular system in women in the period after menopause, reducing the risk of diabetes and strengthening bones.
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