Description of the Plant
Oat is one of the plants from grass family. Its spikes contain 2 to 6 flowers which are widespread wisp at the top of the stem. Its grains are surrounded with chaff that is not growing to grain. This makes oats different from other cereals (wheat, barley and rye).Content of Oat
Its content of quality material is just amazing: iodine, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, niacin, biotin and vitamins. This, translated into the language of everyday life, means that oats should be the part of nutrition because it helps in creating the blood, strengthening the teeth and bones, encouraging the brain function and growth in children and strengthening the muscle mass in adults.Oat cereals may be mixed with yogurt, milk, fruit juice, or used in puree form or as an addition to vegetable soups. Also, tea may be made of unpeeled oats. It is recommended that oats should be cooked for 2-5 minutes, because in this interval does it not lose any of its nutritive value, and becomes easily digestible.
Health Benefits
Because it is ease to digest, oats is recommended to patients with the stomach diseases, as well as to those with bronchial disorders. Oats is especially recommended for weak and tired people, convalescents, mothers after birth and those who are exposed to great physical and mental effort.In the case of diabetes mellitus oats is proved to be very successful. Regular long-term intake of oats decrease sugar level in blood.
This plant improves teeth and bones quality and it is especially recommended for women in menopause because it is reported that oats have the ability to balance hormones.
Oat is considered as very powerful means for strengthening the nervous system. It is recommended that those who suffer from insomnia, mental fatigue, depression and anxiety. Some herbalists recommend oats tea to patients suffering from multiple sclerosis.
Oatmeal, cooked oats and unpeeled oat grain tea are recommended for people with sensitive digestive tract. Oat regulates the stomach function, helps those who suffer from diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome.
Oats tea is particularly recommended for people suffering from cancer, especially colon cancer. This tea is effective in reducing the adverse effects that may arise in the course of radio and chemo therapy.
Plenty of microelements and flavonoids in oats strengthen the immune system and improve blood quality.
A study, which had included 1540 professional athletes from Australia, has noted that daily use of oats contributes to increasing muscle mass. Also, athletes have had more energy and felt better.
All those who suffer from increased cholesterol and blood pressure should start using oat in any form.
Drinking of a strong tea made of oat straw or unpeeled seed is recommended to all those who suffer from eczema, have sensitive skin or feel intense itching. Oats baths should be applied twice a week.
Oats contains all important vitamins and minerals. It is used to treat anemia, various catarrh inflammations of the digestive tract, and effects on the whole organism regeneration.
Oats straw baths are very useful in treating kidney diseases - kidney stones and gout; all rheumatic difficulties - the lumbago and all types of stiffness and liver diseases.
Oats is recently called an alternative Viagra as it acts as aphrodisiac. It increases testosterone level in the body, therefore it is recommended for those with enlarged prostate.
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