Most people are unfamiliar with buckwheat, but it is a common ingredient in most waffle and pancake recipes.
Buckwheat is a very nutritious fruit. Some believe that itis a grain, but it is actually a fruit, and it is very rich in omega-3 fattyacids, B vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.
Research has also concluded that buckwheat has asignificantly greater amount of friendly bacteria than many othercarbohydrate-rich foods. It is also a prebiotic and probiotic.
Probiotic organisms are important for a healthy diet. Theyare beneficial bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract in great number,helping to push out harmful bacteria and aiding in digestion while supportingand increasing the level of immunity.
This positive bacteria is called “gut flora” sometimes, andproduces valuable nutrients, such as V vitamins and moega-3 fatty acids.
It also produces digestive enzymes like lactase. Probioticsalso produce immune chemicals that fight harmful bacteria and even cancer.
When the number of good bacteria drops, harmful bacteria arethen allowed more frequently to get inside the body and cause diseases todevelop.
Good amounts of intestinal flora can be found in consumingbuckwheat, as well as yogurt, carrots and spinach.
Some antibiotics can completely kill the beneficial bacteriain the gut, even some steroid drugs like cortisone and Prednisone can killthem, as well as birth control pills and chemotherapy.
Poor nutrition, digestion problems, stress, trauma, andsurgery can also lessen the effect of the good intestinal bacteria.
That is why it is important to get as much of this goodbacteria in the system as possible, and a good way to do so is by ingestingbuckwheat.
Even though such foods help with introducing good bacteriato the body, they cannot keep the balance on their own. A powerful probioticnutritional supplement is needed for this.
However, mostprobiotic supplements have fallen flat on their faces during tests andresearch. Leading researchers have tested several dozen brands and onlyfive delivered the number of positive bacteria promised on the label, whilemost fell short, some by as much as 90 percent. One brand that was tested evenhad harmful bacteria in it.
When eating things like pancakes and waffles that are madewith a significant amount of buckwheat – this recipe is most often used inSpain – then the person will be receiving a large amount of nutritional valueper serving, filled with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and prebiotics.
Instead of regular maple syrup, top the pancakes or wafflesoff with buckwheat honey in order to get much higher levels of antioxidants.
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