Acetyl-L-carnitine is a dietary supplement
Acetyl L-Carnitine is L-Carnitine in its acetylated form and it is often abbreviated as ALCAR. It occurs naturally in plants and animals and it is actually a very important type of dietary supplement. Speaking in chemical terms it is an amino acid normally produced in the human body and it is one of the essential building blocks for different types of proteins. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of numerous different types of medical condition such as facial paralysis, nerve pain triggered by drugs commonly used for the treatment of AIDS, nerve pain triggered by diabetes, cataracts, poor circulation of the blood in the brain, Down syndrome, Lyme disease, thinking problems, alcoholism, some cases of depression, memory loss related to old age, Alzheimer’s disease and numerous different types of mental disorders. In some cases it may also be helpful for the Peyronie’s disease, low levels of testosterone and infertility in men. The human body can effectively convert it to L-Carnitine and vice versa, but it is still largely unknown how this substance provides all the beneficial features. Different forms of carnitine cannot be used as substitutes for each other. One should also understand that this amino acid is of utmost importance for the production of energy, proper functioning of the brain, proper functioning of the heart, normal movement of the muscles and various other essential processes which occur in the human body.
Elderly people may benefit greatly from acetyl l carnitine as it is very efficient in improving various memory related memory problems. People who use alcohol excessively may also use the same benefits. Nerve pain which is commonly associated with neuropathy can be reduced by this amino acid. Those who suffer from a certain type of connective tissue disease called Peyronie’s disease may reduce the pain and slow down the worsening of the condition by using it as well. Inflammation of certain reproductive organs and surrounding tissues such as epididymis, seminal vesicles and prostate may sometimes triggered infertility in men and that is where acetyl l carnitine kicks in. It may also be efficient when it comes to increasing the sperm movement and sperm count. This is why it is also helpful with certain other associated medical conditions such as age related deficiency of testosterone. Acetyl l carnitine effectively takes care of fatigue, depression and sexual dysfunction triggered by deficiency of this important male hormone. When administered intravenously, this amino acid may be very efficient in improving the blood flow to the brain. When a person suffers from an early Alzheimer’s disease, he or she should try using acetyl l carnitine. Some sources claim that it may also come in very handy when it comes to the treatment of depression in elderly people, muscle weakness triggered by certain types of medicaments used for the treatment of AIDS and Down syndrome. There are still no sufficient evidence that it may treat cataract and thinking problems associated with the medical condition called Lyme disease.
Side effects from Acetyl-L-carnitine
As is the case with any type of medication, herbal remedy, preparation or any other substance commonly used for medicinal purposes, acetyl l carnitine may sometimes be associated with certain unwanted side effects and it may also interact with other drugs and substances in unwanted manner. In most cases it is completely safe for use, but when the side effects do occur, they usually include a fishy odor of the sweat, breath and urine, restlessness, vomiting, nausea and an overall stomach upset. Since there is no sufficient number of scientific studies on the subject of safety in pregnant or breastfeeding women, it is strongly recommended for such persons to steer clear of acetyl l carnitine. Another important warning is that this amino acid may interfere with the way that thyroid hormone functions. This is especially a great concern for all those who suffer from insufficient activity of the thyroid gland. This medical condition is referred to as hypothyroidism. These people should avoid using acetyl l carnitine no matter what. Over the years, the number and the seriousness of seizures experienced by people who were treated by oral or intravenously administered L-carnitine has gradually grown. As is already explained, it is chemically related to acetyl l carnitine so there is a growing concern that the same thing may occur to people treated with the acetylized form of this amino acid. This is why there is a general recommendation for people who have had seizure to never use acetyl l carnitine in any form. Acetyl l carnitine is known for interacting with a certain type of medication called acenocoumarol. This medicament is used to slow the process of the clotting of the blood. It may actually increase the efficacy of this medicament. It may also interact with another similar medication called warfarin.
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